Resolution on Comoro Islands

CM/Res. 421 (XXV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty- Fifth Ordinary Session in Kampala, Uganda, from 18 to 25 July 1975,

Noting the unanimous admission on 18 July, 1975 of the Comoro Islands as a full Member State of the OAU,

Having heard the message from His Excellency President Ahmed Abdallah, informing the Council of Ministers of the French military intervention and encirclement of the Island of Mayotte, an integral part of the Republic of Comoro,

Deeply concerned about the threat posed to the Comorian province of Mayotte by the French Government’s manoeuvres against the unity, territorial integrity and independence of the Republic if Comoro,

Recalling that the overwhelming majority of the population of the Comoro Archipelago, through the reference of 22 December 1974, expressed its desire to accede to independence;

  1. CONDEMS the manoeuvres and actions of the French Government aimed at jeopardizing the national unity, territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Comoro;

  1. URGES the French Government of withdraw its troops from the Island of Mayotte and to honour its commitments in the interest of international peace and security in that region of the world;

  1. MANDATES the Chairman of the Council, assisted by the Administrative Secretary-General of the OAU, to summon the French Ambassador in Kampala and inform him about OAU’s disapproval of, and protest against, France’s threat to Mayotte;

  1. REQUESTS the Governments of Member States to intervene individually with the French Ambassadors accredited to their countries and through their own Ambassadors in Paris.

  1. EXPRESSES its full support to the Government of the Republic of Comoro in its efforts to safeguard its territorial integrity;

  1. REQUESTS the OAU Administrative Secretary-General to inform the Secretary- General of the United Nations of the OAU’s concern about France’s threat to the Republic of Comoro.

  1. CALLS on Member States to grant the young Republic of Comoro the necessary bilateral assistance, particularly technical assistance, to enable it face the difficulties emanating from the situation deliberately created by France;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General of the OAU to follow up developments of the events in the Comoro Islands and keep the current chairman of the OAU informed in order to take measures necessitated by any new situation until a final settlement is reached in the interest of the Comorian people;

  1. DECIDES to send a special mission soon from the General Secretariat of the OAU to the Republic of Comoro to:

    1. collect on-the-spot information about the situation in Mayotte following the presence of French troops in this island; and

    1. to study appropriate urgent measures which the OAU should take.

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