Resolution CM/424 (XXV) on the Situation in Angola

CM/Res. 424 (XXV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Twenty- Fifth Ordinary Session in Kampala, Uganda, from 18 to 25 July 1975,

Having heard the statements, by the Commissioner of State for Foreign Affairs and International Co-operation of Zaire, the Minister of Foreign Affairs of the People’s Republic of the Congo, and the Representatives of the MPLA, FNLA and UNITA, on the situation in Angola,

Concerned about the continued deterioration of the situation in Angola following the bloody clashes between the Liberation Movements and the constant use of violence,

Deeply regretting the repeated violation of the Kinshasa, Mombasa, Alvor and Nakuru Agreements by the Liberation Movements,

Conscious of the responsibility incumbent on the OAU to do everything within its power to restore peace and understanding among the Liberation Movements of Angola before the date of the proclamation of Angola’s independence;

Convinced that the present explosive situation in Angola is likely to divide Africa.

  1. URGES the three Liberation Movements to put an immediate end to their hostilities and to refrain from resorting in violence to settle their political differences;

  1. REQUESTS The Current Chairman of the OAU and the President of the host country to invite the three leaders of the Liberation Movements of Angola and their Chiefs of Staff to Kampala to explain to the Heads of State and Government the reasons for their constant disagreement.

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