
CM/Res. 451 (XXV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its 25th

Ordinary Session in Kampala, Uganda, from 18 to 25 July 1975,

Having heard the statement made by the delegation of the Cape Verde Islands on the unusual situation prevailing in this Archipelago after seven consecutive years of drought,

Noting with concern the serious effects of the disaster on the economic and social situation of this new Member State,

Considering the active solidarity which AOU Member States have always demonstrated to one another,

Convinced of the need for an urgent aid to the people of Cape Verde Islands hard hit by the seven years of drought and whose situation has been further worsened by the difficult circumstances under which they have acceded to independence,

DECIDES to exempt the Cape Verde Islands from the payment of its contribution for the 1978/1977 Financial Year.

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