Resolution on Co-operation Agreement Between the OAU and PATU

CM/Res. 710 (XXXII)


The Council of Minister of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty- Second Ordinary Session in Nairobi, Republic of Kenya, from 23 February to 4 March, 1979,

Having received and considered the Draft Agreement on Co-operation between the OAU and PATU as contained in Document CM/947 (XXXII), Rev.1;

Having noted with satisfaction that the First Administrative Council of PATU, which met in Kinshasa, from 4 – 9 September 1978, had examined the Draft Agreement in accordance with operative paragraph (a) of the OAU Resolution CM/Res. 671 (XXXI);

Considering Article I of the Pan-African Telecommunications Union convention (Addis Ababa, 1977) relating to the establishment of PATUU as a Specialized Agency of the OAU in the field of telecommunications in Africa;

Considering Article 20 of the very PATUU convention which states among others that the Union shall enjoy privileged relations with the OAU and agreement shall be concluded between the two organizations;

  1. DECIDES to adopt the Draft Agreement on co-operation between the OAU and PATU,

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General of OAU and Secretary- General of PATU to take necessary steps to sign this agreement, as soon as possible;

  1. REQUESTS also the Administrative Secretary-General to report to the next Council of Ministers on implementation of this resolution.

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