Resolution on Submission of Candidature by African States

CM/RES. 69 (V)


The Council of Ministers, meeting in its Fifth Ordinary Session in Accra, Ghana, from 14 to 21 October 1965,

Having examined the report of the sub-committee entrusted with finding a solution to the problem of appointing candidates to the posts reserved for Africa in international organizations,

Convinced f the imperative need for the maintenance and reinforcement of African


Convinced further of the necessity of achieving equitable representation of Africa in the Councils of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies,

  1. REQUESTS the African Group at the United Nations to co-ordinate and harmonize the various African candidatures at the United Nations Councils and Specialized Agencies;

  1. INVITES the African countries to reclaim their duly reserved posts at these bodies, and submit their candidatures to the vacant posts;

  1. ENTRUSTS the African Group at the United Nations to present the Council with a detailed list of posts at various bodies of the United Nations and the Specialized Agencies at its forthcoming Session.

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