Resolution on the Liberation Committee

CM/RES. 70 (V)


The Council of Ministers, meeting in its Fifth Ordinary Session in Accra, Ghana, from 14 to 21 October 1965,

Considering the report of the Administrative Secretary-General,

After examining the important statement of the Head of the United Republic of Tanzania’s delegation,

Having studied at length all the questions relating to the structure and the functioning of the Liberation Committee as well as the difficulties which it encounters, especially as regards finances,

RECOMMENDS to the Heads of State and Government:

  1. TO CONGRATULATE the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of African on the efforts made in the service of liberating Africa;

  1. TO CONGRATULATE warmly the President, the Government and the people of Tanzania for the generous assistance accorded to the Committee;

  1. TO URGENTLY APPEAL to those Member States who have not yet paid their contributions to the Special Fund during the past year and to emphasize the importance and urgency of paying their contributions before January 1966;

  1. TO CONTINUE to consider as an urgent and prime necessity the achievement of united front of the Liberation movements in each territory;

  1. TO DECIDE to maintain the Liberation Committee’s Executive Secretariat, that is administratively responsible to the OAU General Secretariat, in pursuance of rules 3 and 9 of the Rules of Procedure of the latter, in its appointed task of implementing in an efficient, quick and dynamic manner the decisions of the political authorities of the OAU in respect of decolonization;

CM/Res. 62 (V)

  1. TO DECIDE that the nomination of the Executive Secretary should be made with the agreement of the authorities of the country of the Headquarters;

  1. TO DECIDE to keep the Headquarters of the Committee in Dar-es-Salaam and to include Zambia, Malawi and Somalia in the membership of the Committee;

  1. TO INVITE the Committee to make a fair distribution of the freedom fighters in various sections of any front an in the border countries, the purpose of such distribution being to avoid a massive concentration of the freedom fighters at the headquarters of the Committee, which can prejudice the host country and the cause of the liberation of the continent;

  1. REQUESTS the Administrative Secretary-General to pay particular attention to the execution of this resolution and make regular reports to the Council and the Assembly of Heads of State and Government.

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