Resolution on South Africa

CM/Res.768 (XXXIV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-fourth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 6 to 15 February 1980,

Having considered the report of the 34th Ordinary Session of the OAU Co- ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa and the Secretary-General’s report on South Africa,

Having heard the statements of the representatives of the National Liberation Movements of South Africa,

Considering the continued intransigence and arrogance of the apartheid regime characterized by increased repression, arms build-up and war preparations,

Convinced that the struggle for national liberation and self determination in South Africa is inextricably linked with the problem of decolonization and genuine independence in Zimbabwe and Namibia,

Considering that the collaboration of some Western countries with the Pretoria regime through continued investments and the provision of bank loans, the transfer of technology, nuclear collaboration sale of oil and the violation of the arms embargo not only encourage the regime in its programme of aggression against independent African States,

Convinced that the continued subversion as well as threats and acts of aggression perpetrated by the Pretoria regime against the neighboring African States are part of the sinister plan to destabilize and overthrow the governments of these countries in preparation for the creation of the so-called constellation of Southern African States,

Convinced further that the so-called constellation of Southern African States is designed to serve as a political, economic and military base under the domination of the Pretoria regime meant for the preservation of apartheid.

Convinced that the racist policy of South Africa as denounced by the international community calls for the imposition of mandatory sanctions under Chapter 7 of the Charter of the UN,

Reaffirming paragraphs 10 and 11 of CM/Res.734 (XXXIII)

Determined to increase its co-operation with the non-governmental organizations, the Liberation Movements and the United Nations specialized agencies in pursuit of the world campaign for the isolation of the apartheid regime and solidarity with the struggle against apartheid,

  1. COMMENDS the National Liberation Movements for their revolutionary efforts to intensify the armed struggle and the mobilization of the masses throughout the country;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the Pretoria regime for its obstinate pursuit of the policy of apartheid, Bantustanisation, and acts of terrorism, repression, mass arrests, detentions and murders;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the Pretoria regime for the death sentence imposed on James Daniel Mange, an ANC militant and the long terms of imprisonment imposed on militants of the National Liberation Movement for their opposition to apartheid;

  1. REQUESTS the Member States and the African Group at the United Nations to take appropriate measures to strengthen the campaign for the immediate and unconditional release of all political prisoners as well as the granting of the status of prisoners of war to all captured freedom fighters;

  2. WELCOMES the convening of the OAU/UN conference to be held in Paris on the imposition of sanctions against racist South Africa and urges all Member States to participate fully in that conference;

  1. REQUESTS the African Group at the United Nations to convene at the appropriate time the Security Council with the view to imposing comprehensive mandatory sanctions under Chapter VII of UN Charter against the racist regime;

  1. CALLS UPON the Member States of the OAU and the international community to observe 26 June 1980 marking the adoption of the freedom Charter;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the Western countries which continue their policy of investments, the violation of arms embargo, nuclear-collaboration and the supply of oil and bank loans to the Pretoria regime thus aggravating the threat to world peace;

  1. APPEALS to the international community to increase its political, financial and material assistance to the National Liberation Movements of South Africa;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS and rejects the Pretoria regime’s plan for the creation of the so-called Constellation of Southern African States;

  1. COMMENDS those OAU Member States who have already unilaterally rejected Pretoria’s overtures;

  1. RESOLVES to wage a worldwide campaign of mobilization in support of the struggle for national liberation in South Africa;

  2. RE-AFFIRMS its full commitment to support the struggle in all its forms including armed struggle for the seizure of power by the people in South Africa.

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