Resolution on the ACP/EEC Lome Convention (Lome II )

CM/Res. 778 (XXXIV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-fourth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 6 to 15 February 1980,

Having heard the excellent introductory remarks by the representative of the Chairman of the OAU Group in Brussels, Belgium, on the ACP/EEC Lome Convention (Lome II): Doc. CM/1030 (XXXIV),

Recalling Resolution CM/Res. 747 (XXXIII) Rev.1 on the renegotiation of the ACP/EEC Lome Convention,

Recalling further Resolutions 656 (XXXI) and CM/Res. 746 (XXXIII) Rev.1 relating to the OAU Group in Brussels:

  1. TAKES NOTE, with appreciation, of the report presented by the Chairman of the OAU Group in Brussels;

  1. COMMENDS the Head of State of the Republic of Togo, General Gnassingbe, the OAU Group in Brussels and the Secretary-General of the Organization of African Unity for their significant contributions to the successful conclusion of the renegotiations on the ACP/EEC Lome Convention;

  1. CALLS UPON the OAU Member States, members of the ACP Group, to take necessary measures for the early ratification of the new Lome Convention;

  1. NOTES with particular interest the decision of the ACP Council of Ministers to convene an extra-ordinary session in Kingston, Jamaica, during 1980 on intra-ACP Co-operation;

  1. NOTES with satisfaction the establishment of the OAU Office in Brussels and calls upon the Secretary-General to render all possible support to the efforts of the ACP Group.

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