Resolution on the Problem of Disabled Persons


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-sixth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 23 February to 1 March, 1981,

Having considered the report on the Regional Seminar on the International Year of Disabled Persons, held in Addis Ababa from 6 to 7 October 1980, contained in Document CM/1094 (XXXVI),

Considering the relevant recommendations of the said Seminar,

Recalling Resolutions CM/Res.594 (XXX) and CM/Res.724 (XXXIII) adopted by the Council of Ministers on the problem of disabled persons,

Deeply concerned about the situation and the conditions of disabled persons in the world in general and in Africa in particular,

Convinced of the highly positive role that the OAU could play in ensuring the success of the International Year of Disabled Persons,

Recalling that it was on Africa’s initiative that the United Nations General Assembly considered the problem of disabled persons,

Noting the large number of persons in Africa becoming disabled as a result of diseases and natural or accidental causes,

Noting further with concern the large number of persons who have become disabled as a result of wars on our Continent,

Determined to do everything possible so that the targets set for this International Year may have the desired effects in favor of disabled persons:

  1. CONGRATULATES the African experts on their technical work which enabled the African Regional Seminar on the International Year of Disabled Persons to reach realistic and positive conclusions and recommendations;

  1. ENDORSES the conclusions and resolutions of the Conference of African Ministers of Social Affairs held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 8 to 10 October 1980;

  1. DECIDES to support by every means the existing national and sub -regional centres for the treatment, rehabilitation, social reintegration of disabled persons and the development of techniques for the manufacture of artificial limbs;

  1. RECOMMENDS that all Member States which have not yet done so, establish national co-ordinating bodies to deal with the distressing and complex problem of disabled persons;

  1. CALLS UPON Member States to strengthen sub-regional co-operation in the treatment and rehabilitation of disabled persons and to encourage the exchange of expertise and services between their specialized institutions for disabled persons;

  1. STRONGLY SUPPORTS the idea of setting up an African Regional Institute for the treatment and rehabilitation of disabled persons and REQUESTS the OAU Secretary-General to study the financial implications;

  1. REQUESTS the Advisory Committee on Administrative, Budgetary and Financial Matters to allocate, pending the establishment of this Institute and Africa’s contribution to the International Year of the Disabled Persons, a sum of US$160,000 to enable the Secretariat to allocate US$100,000 towards the

establishment of the Regional Institute and US$60,00.00 to the financing of the Secretariat’s activities in connection with the International Year of Disabled Persons;

  1. FURTHER REQUESTS the OAU Secretary-General to contact the Agencies and Institutions of the United Nations including ILO, HWO, UNESCO, UNDP, ECA, the Arab Funds and others as well as donor countries, with a view to obtaining the necessary financial and technical assistance for the establishment of the said African Regional Institute and strengthening of the existing centres;

  1. URGES the Secretary-General to pursue his efforts to arouse the interest of International Organizations so that they may associate themselves with the efforts already undertaken in Africa to improve the conditions of disabled persons, through the planning, financing and implementation of certain projects in its field;

  1. DECIDES to set up a five member Ad Hoc Ministerial Committee to consider the serious problems of disabled persons in Africa, find appropriate practical solutions, and create the best conditions so that the International Year of the disabled Persons may be a real success in Africa;

  1. CALLS UPON the OAU Secretary-General, in collaboration with the Advisory Committee and Administrative, budgetary and Financial Matters, to take all necessary measures to ensure the smooth running of that Committee and facilitate contacts with international organizations and donor countries;

  1. FURTHER CALLS UPON the OAU Secretary-General to submit a detailed report on the development of this question to the Thirty -seventh Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers.

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