Resolution on South African Aggression against the Kingdom of Lesotho.

CM/Res.864 (XXXVII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Thirty- seventh Ordinary Session in Nairobi, Kenya from 15 to 26 June 1981,

Having considered the report of the OAU Secretariat Fact-Finding Mission to Lesotho at the request of the Kingdom of Lesotho,

Having heard additional information provided by the Foreign Minister of the Kingdom of Lesotho, and the interventions of other delegations on this subject,

Particularly aware of the threat against the Kingdom of Lesotho because of its position as a land-locked country within South Africa,

Gravely concerned at the frequent acts of aggression perpetrated against the Kingdom of Lesotho and against other independent African States in the sub-region by the racist regime of South Africa to destabilize them,

Noting with satisfaction the heroic determination of the people and Government of the Kingdom of Lesotho to resist the South African racist regime’s acts of aggression and destabilization:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the report of the OAU Fact-Finding Mission to Lesotho contained in Doc.CM/1152 (XXXVII);

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the acts of aggression of the Pretoria racist regime against the Kingdom of Lesotho;

  1. REAFFIRMS its solidarity with the Government and people of the Kingdom of Lesotho in the noble struggle against South Africa’s acts of subversion and intimidation;

  1. COMMENDS AND ENCOURAGES particularly the Government and people of the Kingdom of Lesotho for their firm stand against South Africa’s system of Apartheid; their rejection of Bantustans and their refusal to accord them recognition, despite all provocation;

  1. REQUESTS the OAU Secretary-General to urgently convene a meeting of OAU Member States in the sub-region to;

    1. study ways and means of facing the serious threat to peace and security in the Southern African region, occasioned by racist South African destabilization activities;

    1. consider all aspects of destabilization by the racist regime of South Africa against independent African States of the Sub-region;

    1. to sensitize world public opinion to the dangerous consequences of racist South Africa’s acts of aggression against independent Southern African countries and their destabilization;

  1. CALLS UPON all OAU Member States to extend moral and concrete material support to the Kingdom of Lesotho to enable it to defend its independence and territorial integrity and to open as far as possible diplomatic missions in and establish air links with Maseru;

  1. FURTHER CALLS UPON African oil-producing countries to give assistance to Lesotho in the event of the imposition of comprehensive UN mandatory sanctions, including an oil embargo, against South Africa;

  2. CALLS UPON the OAU Secretary-General to submit a report to the Thirty- eight Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers on the implementation of this resolution.

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