Resolution on Sanctions.

CM/Res.865 (XXXVII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Thirty- seventh Ordinary Session in Nairobi, Kenya from 15 to 26 June 1981,

Having considered the Secretary-General’s Report on the Joint OAU/UN Conference on Sanctions against South Africa contained in Document CM/1129 (XXXVII),

Having further considered the Report of the Secretary-General on the First Joint Meeting of the OAU Committee on Sanctions and the Committee of Nineteen contained in Document CM/1127 (XXXVII),

Having reviewed the situation in South Africa, and in Southern Africa as a whole,

Considering the importance of the documents adopted by the Joint Conference on Sanctions, namely the Paris Declaration, the Reports of the Political Commission and the Technical Commission,

Having heard the statements of various delegations on the Report on the Conference on Sanctions against South Africa,

Considering the concern expressed by the Conference over the grave situation in Southern Africa,

Recalling the provisions of Resolution CM/Res.817 (XXXV), and in particular operative paragraphs 3, 4, 6 and 8,

Noting with concern the continued illegal occupation of Namibia by the Pretoria regime in defiance of the international community, and the pursuance of its incessant aggressive and barbaric acts of terrorism against the Peoples’ Republic of

Angola and the Peoples’ Republic of Mozambique, and the other neighboring States,

Conscious of the fact that the Pretoria regime is a serious threat to international peace and security:

  1. DECLARES that the racist regime of South Africa by its repression of the great majority of the people of the country and their National Liberation Movements, and by its continued acts of aggression and subversion in the region bears full responsibility for the undeclared war which prevails in the sub-region;

  1. SOLEMNLY REAFFIRMS its commitment to the imposition of an oil embargo and economic sanctions against South Africa;

  1. ENDORSES the Paris Declaration, the Special Declaration on Namibia, and the Reports of the Technical and Political Commissions of the Joint OAU/UN Conference contained in Document CM/1129 (XXXVII);

  1. ADOPTS the recommendations contained in Document CM/1129 (XXXVII) pertaining to an oil embargo, economic sanctions and assistance to the neighboring States of South Africa;

  1. CALLS UPON Member States to provide the OAU General Secretariat with information on their implementation of the sanctions recommendations against South Africa contained in Document CM/1127 (XXXVII) and CM/1129 (XXXVII);

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to set up a commission to see to the implementation of the oil embargo against South Africa, to evaluate the extent to which the independent States neighboring South Africa are currently dependent upon it for their oil imports; to review ways including the building up of strategic stockpiles of oil; and to identify measures

including national, regional and continental action which could be taken now to reduce and eliminate such dependency;

  1. REITERATES its appeal to the oil-exporting countries to require companies and oil-importing countries to prohibit direct or indirect export of oil to South Africa or Namibia while under occupation by South Africa and in support of this:-

    1. to obtain an “end-user certificate” from the authorities of the country to which each consignment of oil is destined, confirming that the oil was indeed delivered there;

    1. promptly to send this end-user certificate back to the authorities of the oil-exporting countries for suitable examination;

    1. in the event of re-sale of oil, to require of the purchasers that they too obtain and transmit end-user certificates as in (a) above.

  1. FURTHER REQUESTS the OAU Sanctions Committee and the Committee of Nineteen to visit oil producing countries in order to solicit assistance for those independent states in Southern Africa which currently import significant quantities of oil from South Africa;

  1. RECOMMENDS that if the Special Session of the UN General Assembly imposes oil sanctions against South Africa, then, six months thereafter all States refuse to permit any tanker to load or unload oil in their territory or to call there for supplies if during the previous twelve months it has called at South Africa or Namibia, and that the Log Book of each incoming tanker be inspected to assist the enforcement of this measure;

  1. REQUESTS the Sanctions Committee in collaboration with the OATUU, the UN Special Committee against Apartheid and the United Nations Council for Namibia, to convene a Conference of International Federation of Trade

Unions for the purpose of working out a programme of action towards enforcement of sanctions against South Africa;

  1. REAFFIRMS the decision taken by the Seventeenth Assembly of Heads of State and Government in designating some foreign Ministers to participate in the Security Council debate to be convened as soon as possible for the imposition, under Chapter VII of the United Nations, of Comprehensive and Mandatory Sanctions, including an oil embargo, against South Africa;

  1. DESIGNATES 1982 as the year for International Mobilization for Sanctions against South Africa;

  1. FURTHER COMMENDS that states refuse to sell to any company or its subsidiaries, its controlling companies, or its agents, since the effective date above, when it is proved that:

  1. oil owned by the company in question has repeatedly been on tankers calling, for any reason other than force majeure at South Africa or Namibia while under occupation by South Africa: or

  1. the company in question has repeatedly violated end-user agreement in oil-sale contracts;

  1. DECIDES that the Sanctions Committee hold discussions with the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC) with a view to establishing a Joint OAU/OAPEC body to monitor the means whereby the oil embargo against South Africa is violated;

  1. FURTHER DECIDES that consultations be organized jointly by the OAU Sanctions Committee and the Committee of 19 with the independent states of Southern Africa, as well as with Southern African Development Co- ordination Conference on Transport and Communications Commission, and the SADCC interim Secretariat, to discuss the formulation of ways for these

states, nationally and in the context of their co-ordinated programmes, to be assisted in developing and implementing means to overcome their dependency on South Africa particularly in transportation of goods and trade;

  1. CALLS UPON the Secretary-General to report on the implementation of the resolution on Sanctions at the next Session of the Council of Ministers;

  1. CALLS UPON the Sanctions Committee, in co-operation with the Supreme Council for Sports in Africa, the UN Special Committee against Apartheid, the Council for Namibia and the Liberation Movements, ANC, PAC and SWAPO, to prepare and circulate to Member States the black-list of all the athletes, entertainers and sports promoters, who collaborate with the apartheid regime, for appropriate action.

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