Resolution on Inter-African Bureau for Research on Tropical Forestry

CM/Res.990 (XLII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Forty- second Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 10 to 17 July, 1985,

Recalling Resolution CM/Res.592 (XXIX) adopted by the Council of Ministers at its Twenty-ninth Ordinary Session in Libreville, Gabon, 1977 where it decided, inter- alia, on the “Creation, within the OAU General Secretariat, of an African Bureau for Research on Tropical Forestry… .”,

Recalling further Resolution CM/Res.777 (XXXIV) adopted by the Council of Ministers at its Thirty-fourth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, 1980 reaffirming the establishment of the Inter-African Bureau for Research on Tropical Forestry,

Cognizant of the basic and important role of forests in African countries for their economic development and for the preservation of the ecology,

Aware of the obvious role of deforestation in the continued and unrelenting desertification affecting several countries in Africa,

Conscious of the importance and the role that the bureau would play in:

  1. Promoting research in Tropical Forestry in Africa;

  1. Co-ordinating and stimulating the activities at the African level of research centres working in the field of Tropical Forestry;

  1. Promoting the training of African specialists in the field of Tropical Forestry; and

  1. Encouraging the production of plants and improvement of plants in Member States;

Having noted the decision of the Republic of Gabon, regarding the hosting of the office of the Inter-African Bureau for Research on Tropical Forests, as contained in Document CM/1298 (XLII) Add. IV, Annex V;

  1. ACCEPTS with appreciation the offer of the Government of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea to host the OAU office of the Inter-African Bureau for Research on Tropical Forestry (IBRTF);

  1. AUTHORISES the Secretary-General to take necessary measures to present to the next meeting of the Council of Ministers through the Advisory Committee on Administrative and Financial matters the necessary budgetary estimates for the establishment and effective functioning of the office since the appropriation had lapsed;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to initiate contacts as soon as possible with the Government of the Republic of Equatorial Guinea with a view to finalizing arrangements for the opening and functioning of the office in MALABO, Equatorial Guinea.

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