Resolution on Co-operation with UNESCO


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting at its Forty- fourth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 21 to 26 July 1986,

Considering the fundamental role of UNESCO in promoting multilateral, international co-operation through Education, Science, Culture and Communication,

Recalling the primordial importance of Education, Science, Culture and Communication to the Development of the African Continent,

Considering UNESCO’S action in Africa and the special efforts the Organization has made, in the last decade, to assist the Member States in the Continent in their development efforts,

Reaffirming their total commitment to the ideals and objectives of international co- operation as clearly stipulated in the Charter of the United Nations Organization and in UNESCO’S,

Desirous of reinforcing even further the existing close co-operation between OAU and UNESCO:

  1. EXPRESSES its total support to the Director-General of UNESCO, Mr. Amadou Mahtar M’Bow for his dedication to the cause of the developing countries, particularly those of Africa;

  1. REAFFIRMS its full confidence in his leadership as the Head of the Organization, his wisdom, courage, steadfastness and his unceasing efforts to uphold the ideals of the Organization;

  1. INVITES the Director-General, Mr. Amadou Mahtar M’Bow to pursue

vigorously his efficient action and the initiatives he has taken in UNESCO for the benefit of the international community.

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