Resolution on South Africa

CM/Res.1099 (XLVI)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Forty-sixth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 20 to 25 July 1987,

Having heard the representatives of the National Liberation Movements and examined the report of the Liberation Committee,

Considering the Pretoria regime’s continued intransigence and defiance of world public opinion calling for the total eradication of apartheid and its replacement by an non-racial and democratic society in a united South Africa,

Noting with grave concern racist South Africa’s recent renewal and extension of the state of emergency accompanied by the muzzling of the press, violent repression as well as the detention without trial, torture and killing of thousands of men, women and children,

Considering that the apartheid regime’s recent whites-only-elections – a new proof of Pretoria’s obstinate opposition to the principle of self-determination for the black people can only exacerbate the already explosive situation in South Africa,

Outraged by the Pretoria regime’s escalation of state-terrorism especially the violation of the territorial integrity of neighboring countries such as the Kingdom of Swaziland where the regime’s agents have recently abducted prominent patriots like Ibrahim Ismail Ibrahim, Priscilla Nyanda and others now languishing in the apartheid dungeons and assassinated Cassius Make, a member of the ANC Executive Committee as well as ten others,

Considering the racist South African regime’s current attempts to create puppet governments which it intends to manipulate in order to stagemanage the spectacle about negotiation process thereby giving the semblance of change while preserving the essence of white domination,

Convinced that the Pretoria regime remains committed to the doctrine of white supremacy and the use of its military might in order to perpetrate the status quo,

Recalling the United Nations Security Council Resolution which states, inter-alia that only majority rule based on the principle of universal adult suffrage in a non-fragmented South Africa can lead to a just and lasting solution,

Mindful of the anti-racist position of the National Liberation Movements especially the African National congress whose political blue-print – the Freedom Charter adopted on 26th June, 1955 inter-alia declare that “South Africa belongs to all who live in it - black and white and that no government can justly claim authority unless it is based on the will of all the people”,

Encouraged by the recent meeting in Dakar, Senegal, from 3 to 13 July between the representatives of the ANC and the Groups of liberal-minded Afrikaaners:

  1. VEHEMENTLY CONDEMN the Pretoria regime for the continued state of emergency, the muzzling of the press, as well as the detention, torture and killing of anti-apartheid activists;

  1. REITERATES its condemnation of the apartheid regime for the escalation of the acts of destabilization and aggression daily carried out against neighboring countries by its racist army and the armed bandits it has created and supports;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS racist South Africa for the violation of the territorial integrity of Swaziland and calls on the international Community especially the Commonwealth Secretariat and the United Nations to compel the Pretoria regime to unconditionally release Ibrahim Ismail Ibrahim and Priscilla Nyanda;

  1. CONDEMNS racist South Africa for recent whites-only-elections, as proof of its opposition to a peaceful resolution of the apartheid problem;

  1. CALLS FOR the immediate and unconditional release of Nelson Mandela and all other political prisoners in South Africa and Namibia;

  2. REITERATES its conviction that the total isolation of the Pretoria regime and the imposition of sanctions against it remains the only peaceful means toward the resolution of the conflict in Southern Africa;

  1. COMMENDS the Anti-apartheid Movement and the Parliamentarians throughout the world as well as those who contributed their part in promoting the world campaign for sanctions against racist South Africa and CALLS ON THEM to further intensify their noble efforts;

  1. COMMENDS all the non-governmental organizations, political parties, governments and all individuals who have already participated in the ANC’s 75 th Anniversary and CALLS ON the international community as a whole to lend its political and material support to the rest of the observance programme especially the forthcoming Solidarity Conference scheduled to take place in one of the Frontline States in December, 1987;

  1. URGES Member States during the forthcoming Francophone and Commonwealth Summits to use their influence and secure support of the campaign for co-ordinated and effective sanctions against racist South Africa;

  1. REAFFIRMS the legitimacy of the struggle in all its forms including armed struggle for the recovery of power by the people of South Africa, the exercise of their right to self-determination and the establishment of a democratic and united South Africa not based on race;

  1. REQUESTS the African Group to continue to work so as to make the Security Council impose comprehensive and mandatory sanctions against apartheid South Africa;

  1. WELCOMES the meeting held in Dakar, Senegal, from 9 to 13 July 1987 between the ANC and liberal-minded Afrikaaners of South Africa;

  1. CONDEMNS the governments of the United States, Great Britain and the Federal Republic of Germany for the veto and negative votes cast in the

Security Council in opposition of the draft resolution calling for selective mandatory sanctions against racist South Africa;

  1. COMMENDS the Liberation Movements especially the African National Congress for the further intensification of the armed struggle;

  1. REQUESTS the OAU Secretary-General to follow closely the implementation of this resolution by submitting a detailed report to the OAU organs, each time the situation prevailing in South Africa demands it and communicate the context of the said resolution to the Secretaries- General of the United Commonwealth.


* Reservation by Tunisia

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