Resolution on Namibia

CM/Res.1147 (XLVIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Forty-eighth Ordinary Session, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 19 to 23 May 1988,

Having heard the Representative of the South West Africa People’s Organization and having examined the reports of the Liberation Committee and of the Secretary-General,

Deeply concerned about the continued illegal occupation of Namibia by racist Pretoria in contravention of the will and aspirations of the people of the country and of the international public opinion,

Noting with indignation the latest Pretoria’s scheme that seek to impose tribal elections along with bogus constitution formation on the Namibian people against their will and in contravention of OAU and UN Resolutions and decisions,

Gravely concerned about news-black-out and information muzzling by racist South Africa,

Noting further racist Pretoria’s constant crackdown on SWAPO activists, unions, students, organizations and church officials,

Outraged by Pretoria’s repressive and draconian illegal legislations such as, state of emergency, martial law, curfew and district security act,

Remembering with sadness that 1988 marks the Tenth Anniversary of the brutal massacre carried out, at Cassinga, on 4 May, 1978 by the facists troops of the racist Pretoria regime, resulting in the killing and wounding of more than 1,000 Namibian men, women and children,

Furthermore gravely concerned about continued detentions without trial, arrests, disappearances, murder, rape and destruction of properties by South Africa’s occupation security forces in Namibia,

Cognizant of the fact that Resolution 435/1978 continue to provide the basis for international consensus on the independence for Namibia,

Taking note of the fact that a new climate for international co-operation as witnessed by the rapprochement between USSR and USA and subsequent quatripartite talks on the situation in the South Western African Region,

Reaffirming that the armed struggle waged by SWAPO remains the most effective means of bringing about Namibia’s independen ce,

Recalling all the previous resolutions and decisions on Namibia adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government and the Council of Ministers including the Arusha Plan of Action and the Solidarity Fund in support of SWAPO in the liberation struggle:

  1. VEHEMENTLY CONDEMNS the racist regime of South Africa for its continued illegal occupation, military build-up, dilatory tactics and its stubborn refusal of sign and observe a ceasefire with SWAPO, to pave the way towards the speedy implementation of Security Council Resolution 435/1978;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS Pretoria’s latest schemes of imposing tribal elections on the Namibian people against their will and the decisions of the United Nations;

  1. DEPLORES Pretoria’ muzzling and restrictions of the news m edia in Namibia;

  1. FURTHER CONDEMNS Pretoria’s crackdown on mass Organizations, the trade unions, student organizations and church leaders, as well as racist Pretoria’s repressive and draconian legislations and proclamations which seek to deny Namibians their basic human rights;

  2. DEMANDS immediate release of all political prisoners and detainees and an end to murder and commission of atrocities by Pretoria’s fascist and para-military gangs;

  1. REITERATES the continued validity of Resolution 435/1978 as the legal base for international consensus on the independence for Namibia;

  1. FURTHERMORE, REITERATES the continued legal and direct responsibility of the United Nations over Namibia until the achievement of genuine independence;

  1. VEHEMENTLY CONDEMNS the policy of extermination of newly born male infants being pursued by the racist Pretoria regime;

  1. CALLS UPON Member Countries of the OAU to increase financial, material, military and political support to SWAPO to enable it to intensify the armed struggle in Namibia in order to accelerate the demise of the Pretoria regime’s occupation;

  1. (a) COMMENDS the people’s Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN), SWAPO’s military wing, for having advanced the armed struggle to new heights and for the significant victories it has scored on the battlefield against the vicious enemy, during the period under review;

    1. CALLS ON THE OAU Liberation Committee to continue to undertake periodic consultations with SWAPO leadership in order to appraise itself of progress at the war front and to assess the material needs of PLAN combatants with the purpose of reporting back such needs to the next Summit;

    1. EXPRESSES FIRMLY the Organization’s unshakeable commitment to the previous decisions and resolutions on Namibia adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government, and unswerving support for the Security Council Resolution 435/1978

and General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 1960, containing the Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples;

  1. ENCOURAGES the United Nations Council for Namibia, in fulfillment of the mandate entrusted to it more than 20 years ago, to take all the necessary steps, in co-operation with SWAPO and the OAU, to establish itself in Namibia to organize the transition process and to hand over power to the Namibian people, on the basis of their freely and democratically expressed wishes.

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