Resolution on Current International Development

CM/Res.1158 (XLVIII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Forty-eighth Ordinary Session, in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 19 to 23 May 1988,

Reaffirming the purposes and principles of the Charter of the Organization of African Unity,

Recalling the OAU Charter emphasizes the promotion of International Co- operation as one of its main purposes and declares the adherence of all Member States to the policy of Non-Alignment with regard to all blocks as one of its solemn principles,

Aware of the signs of change in international climate which would lead to major developments affecting different aspects of international relations,

Also aware of the emergence of a period of détente where a relaxation of tension would prevail in the relations between the two super power and would be extended to the international scene,

Recognizing that the Non-Aligned Movement has welcomed a détente that is comprehensive and open to which it has greatly contributed,

Observing that the leaders of the two super powers are scheduled to meet shortly to discuss matters of common and international concern including a genuine process of disarmament, especially nuclear disarmament,

Observing further the Non-Aligned Movement is scheduled to hold a ministerial meeting in the near future:

  1. WELCOMES the fact that the two super powers have entered into a process of contacts, negotiations and possible agreement on a disarmament process;

  1. ALSO WELCOMES the fact that there are real opportunities for global détente and that improvements are evident in the international environment;

  1. EMPHASIZES that if détente is to last, it must be universal, global and open;

  1. EMPHASIZES FURTHER that Third World Countries should play a more active and positive role in the process of détente and participate in it on an equal footing in the interest of the entire international community;

  1. REMAINS STRONGLY CONVINCED that all actions, negotiations or agreements must be based on strict observance of the principles and objectives of the United Nations Charter if they are to succeed or last;

  1. CALLS UPON the Non-Aligned Movement to monitor carefully the aforementioned developments and recommends that the Non-Aligned Movement start a process of reassessment of the international situation and the impact of these developments on the Third World Countries as well as on their just causes;

  1. REITERATES once again the fundamental principle of the OAU Charter concerning the adherence of all Member States to the policy of Non- Alignment with regard to all blocs, which under the present circumstances champions the right to self-determination, independence, sovereignty, territorial integrity, equality, mutual respect and co- operation among all States.

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