Decision on the Realignment of the Legal Instruments


The Assembly,

  1. RECALLS Decision Ext/Assembly/AU/Dec.1(XI) requesting the Commission to align all relevant legal instruments, in line with the Institutional Reform;

  2. TAKES NOTE of the recommendations of the Executive Council on the alignment of the Rules of Procedures of the Assembly, Executive Council, Permanent Representatives’ Committee and the Statute of the Commission;

3- DELEGATES to the Executive Council, its authority to consider and adopt provisionally the Rules of Procedures of the Assembly and the Statute of the Commission during its 37th Ordinary Session in June/July 2020;

  1. NOTES that this is a transitional period from the old electoral system of the Members of the Commission to the new modalities adopted as per Decision Ext/Assembly/AU/Dec. 1;

  2. DECIDES to provide flexibility within the timeline prescribed by Decision Ext/Assembly/AU/Dec. 1 (XI), for the electoral process leading to the upcoming elections of the Members of the Commission in February 2021, and that this flexibility should not exceed a total of 75 days;

  3. REQUESTS the Commission to undertake all necessary steps in meeting future deadlines as prescribed under Decision Ext/Assembly/AU/Dec. 1 (XI).

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