Decision on Ending Female Genital Mutilation - Doc. Assembly/AU/20(XXXIII)


Doc. Assembly/AU/20(XXXIII)

The Assembly,

  1. COMMENDS H.E. Roch Marc Christian Kabore, President of Burkina Faso for the commitment and effort to end female genital mutilation;

  2. RECALLS African Union Decision Assembly/AU/Dec.383(XVII) on “Support of a Draft Resolution at the Sixty-Sixth Ordinary Session of the United Nations General Assembly to Ban Female Genital Mutilation in the World” adopted at the 17th Ordinary Session of the Assembly held in Malabo, Equatorial Guinea in July 2011;

  3. FURTHER RECALLS Decision Assembly/AU/Dec.737(XXXII) on “Galvanizing Political Commitment Towards the Elimination of Female Genital Mutilation in Africa” adopted at the 32nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, in February 2019, which designated H.E. Roch Marc Christian Kabore, President of Burkina Faso as African Union Leader on Ending Female Genital Mutilation;

  4. TAKES NOTE of the report by the African Union Leader on Ending Female Genital Mutilation to the 33rd Ordinary Session of the African Union Assembly of Heads of State and Government;

  5. WELCOMES the Cairo Call to Action for the Elimination of Child Marriage and Female Genital Mutilation in Africa adopted on 20 June 2019 in Cairo, and considers it an important boost for the continental efforts towards eradicating harmful practices against women and girls in Africa;

  6. COMMITS to implementing recommendations from the report of the African Union Leader on Eliminating Female Genital Mutilation, including;

  1. Political and community level action;

  2. Strengthening of legislative frameworks that seek to encourage community engagement and ownership;

  3. Allocation of sufficient domestic resources to drive national and local action to eliminate the harmful practice;

  4. Strengthening partnership, information and knowledge sharing between Member States; and

  5. Member States to “report regularly to the African Union Commission” on action to eliminate harmful practices”.

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