Decision on the Scale of Assessment and Contributions


The Assembly,

  1. RECALLS Decision Assembly/AU/Dec.734(XXXII) adopted in February 2019 at the 32nd Ordinary Session of the Assembly held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia on the scale of assessment for the regular budget and the Peace Fund for the period 2020-2022.

  2. TAKES NOTE that 2022 is the last year for application of the current scale of assessment.

  3. ALSO NOTES of the Executive Council Decision on the report of the Joint Sitting of the Ministerial Committee on Scale of Assessment and Contributions and Committee of Fifteen Ministers of Finance (F15) and the recommendation to extend the application of the current scale of assessment 2020-2022 by one year up to 2023;

  4. DECIDES to extend the application of the current scale of assessment 2020- 2022 by one year up to 2023 and REQUESTS the Commission with the support of F15 to develop the new scale of assessment to be applied for the period 2024- 2026 and, following the due process, present it to the Assembly for adoption in February 2023.

  5. DECIDES exceptionally and given the well-known long-standing complex situation in Libya that upon full payment by the State of Libya of 50% of their arrears, the Commission shall write-off the 50% of the contributions to the regular budget due to the organisation.

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