Recommendation on the situation of peace and security in Africa

African Union

Recommendation on the situation of peace and security in Africa

The Pan-African Parliament,PROFOUNDLY CONCERNED by the existence of violent conflicts and areas prone to conflicts in Africa;CONSCIOUS of the fact that conflicts in Africa are caused by factors such as political and socio-economic exclusion, lack of democratic governance, poor organization of elections, violation of human rights, inequitable distribution of wealth and terrorism;NOTING that Africa has made considerable progress on democracy in the last two decades;CONCERNED by the resurgence of new hotbeds of tension on the African continent;FURTHER CONCERNED by the growth of the scourge of terrorism, violent extremism and transnational criminality including human trafficking, which are booming among desperate people looking for a brighter future;ALARMED by acts of violence perpetrated by the extremist Boko Haram sect against civilian populations, especially women and children in Northern Nigeria and in the neighboring towns of that region;NOTING that the threat and killings committed by Boko Haram militants have jeopardized the socio-economic gains made in the countries affected by the operations of Boko Haram in various sectors such as agricultural, health and water supply projects in some parts of Cameroon, Chad, Niger and Nigeria;EXPRESSING its profound concern on the issue of the decolonization of the Saharawi Arab Democratic Republic;CONCERNED by the situation in Burundi;TAKING NOTE of the signing of a peace and reconciliation agreement in Bamako on 15 march 2015 in the presence of many African Heads of State under the mediation of Algeria;CONSCIOUS of PAP’s role in the promotion of peace and security on the African continent;RECALLING its earlier recommendations on the state of peace and security in Africa;COGNIZANT OF the concerted efforts made by the African Union, the United Nations and the international community towards finding solutions to various armed conflicts in a number of African countries;STRONGLY CONDEMNING violations of human rights perpetrated by terrorist groups such as Boko Haram, the Sbires of Daesh/IS, the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) and Al-Shabaab against African peoples;
1.the AU strengthen the capacity of all its organs and mechanisms that it already has in place in order to enable them play a preponderant role in the prevention of conflicts in Africa;
2.all Member States sign, respect and implement all the AU instruments relating to peace, security and good governance, in particular, the African Charter on Democracy, Elections and Governance;
3.all the warring parties in Burundi abstain from the use of violence and establish dialogue between all the parties in the interest of the Burundian people;
4.the AU encourage Algeria to pursue mediation between the Malian parties in order to put an end to the violence and ensure a return to security throughout the territory for a just and lasting peace in Mali.
5.the parties preoccupied by the problems of political governance in Africa resort to dialogue rather than violence in solving their problems;
6.the AU, through its organs tasked with the promotion of peace and security work together with State stakeholders as well as civil society organizations to support the efforts aimed at resolving the Boko Haram crisis and evaluate priorities and needs of affected peoples and countries;
7.the AU invite all Member States to strengthen their capacity in the fight against illegal arms trafficking which continues to fuel wars in Africa;
8.the current peace efforts deployed by the African Union with the support of the United Nations and other institutions be intensified with a view to eradicating terrorism on the continent.
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