Recommendations emanating from the dialogue on youth

African Union

Recommendations emanating from the dialogue on youth

CONCERNED by the future of the African youth who have a paramount role to play in the development of the African continent;NOTING that the African youth, by its demographic weight constitute an important and indispensable resource for the development of Africa;FURTHER NOTING that the African continent has a high rate of unemployment and poverty;CONSCIOUS of its contribution towards a more prosperous future for the African youth;CONSIDERING that education and skills acquisition constitute the foundation of the development of any Nation;UNDERSCORING the need for African Members States to take immediate measures in order to mobilise sufficient financial resources with a view to ensuring the education of the youth;CONCERNED about the illegal migration of African Youth to Europe;
The Pan-African Parliament recommends that:
1.All Member States of the African Union ratify, internalise and effectively implement the African Charter on the Youth in their respective countries;
2.Member States implement all African Union decisions and policies relating to the youth;
3.Member States create an environment and framework conducive to mobilising and keeping young graduates on the African continent
4.Member States initiate frameworks for consultation between the youth and the leaders in order to enable them to participate in decision-making in policies concerning them;
5.Member States put in place and implement effective policies in order to facilitate access to education and training by the youth, especially girls, in the universities, schools and institutes of the Continent in order to facilitate Youth participation in development;
6.Member States should put in place policies to provide for employment of Youth to avoid irregular migration
7.The African Union work for a continental integration through the free movement of persons, goods and services on the Continent.
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