Resolution on the Pan-African Parliament strategic plan 2006-2010

African Union

Resolution on the Pan-African Parliament strategic plan 2006-2010

The Pan-African Parliament;1.COGNISANT of the provisions of Article 17 of the Constitutive Act of the African Union through which the Parliament was established and Articles 2, 3, 4, 11 and 12 of the Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community Relating to the Establishment of the Pan-African Parliament, providing for its objectives, composition, powers functions and organisation;2.RECALLING the strategic planning process which began in early 2005 with a broad based consultation among the PAP Bureau, Members of Parliament, PAP Committees, Committee Office Bearers with the view to producing a document which would be wholly owned and accepted by PAP;3.AWARE of the fact that the Draft Strategic Plan 2006-2010 for the PAP was presented to both the Bureau and a joint session of PAP Committees on 18th October 2005 in Midrand South Africa4.NOTING the setting up of a Task Force comprising Members of PAP as well as experts from credible international organizations appointed by the House to finalise the Strategic Plan document;5.NOTING FURTHER the adoption of the motion on the Strategic Plan of the Pan-African Parliament, 2006-2010 by Parliament during its Fourth Ordinary Session on Wednesday, 23rd November 2005;
THEREFORE RESOLVES to implement Strategic Plan of the Pan-African Parliament, 2006-2010.
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