Resolution on the fundamental right of access to water and sanitation

African Union

Resolution on the fundamental right of access to water and sanitation

Recognising that water and sanitation are a fundamental right, essential to the well-being, health, dignity and development of our African peoples and our States;Conscious that access to drinking water, improved sanitation, and installation of adequate hygiene facilities may reduce disease-related illnesses and mortality as well as have an impact on poverty reduction and socio-economic development;Concerned by the lack of information data related to the poor conditions of access to safe drinking water and sanitation for a large proportion of the population on the continent;Determined to strengthen solidarity, cohesion, cooperation and continental development for the benefit of our peoples;Noting the workshop organised by the Committee on Agriculture, Rural Economy, Natural Resources and Environment of the Pan-African Parliament, WaterLex and WaterAid entitled "Supporting action for sustainable access to drinking water and sanitation in Africa", held in Addis Ababa from 15 to 16 March 2013;
The Pan-African Parliament:
1.Undertakes to defend the principles and actions on the importance of water and sanitation at the national, regional and continental levels;
2.Decides to initiate a campaign of advocacy for sufficient budget allocation for the water and sanitation sector;
3.Undertakes to promote the post-2015 agenda of the MDGs for Africa; and
4.Congratulates and encourages WaterAid, WaterLex and all other partners in their support of the Pan-African Parliament in implementing its programmes related to access to water and sanitation for all.
Done in Midrand on 16 May 2013
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