Resolution on the establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee tasked with considering the claims made by the PAP Staff Association

African Union

Resolution on the establishment of an Ad Hoc Committee tasked with considering the claims made by the PAP Staff Association

THE PAN-AFRICAN PARLIAMENT,CONSIDERING Article 17 of the Constitutive Act of the African Union, which establishes the Pan-African Parliament (PAP) to ensure the full participation of the people of Africa in the development and economic integration of the continent;CONSIDERING also Article 3 of the Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community Relating to the Pan-African Parliament, and Rule 4 (a) of the Rules of Procedure of the Pan-African Parliament, which empowers the PAP to facilitate the implementation of policies, objectives and programmes of the African Union and to oversee their effective implementation;NOTING the claims made by the PAP Staff Association and the suspension of work by PAP staff on 9 May 2019 resulting therefrom;NOTING ALSO the conclusions of the meeting between the Bureau and PAP Staff on Thursday, 9 May 2019, and the discussions held on this matter in Plenary on 9 and 10 May 2019;NOTING FURTHER the agreed imperative to elucidate the various claims levelled by the staff with a view to settling the issues that affect the functioning of PAP administration;HAVING REGARD to Rule 22 (3) of the Rules of Procedure of PAP, which provides that Parliament shall, whenever it deems appropriate, restructure its Committees or establish other Committees in accordance with these Rules;IN ACCORDANCE WITH Rule 5(b), (c) and (d) of the Rules of Procedure of the Pan-African Parliament, which empowers the PAP to, inter alia, organize debate, discuss, express an opinion, make recommendations and take resolutions on the objectives and on any matters relating to the African Union and its organs, Regional Economic Communities, Member States and their organs and institutions;

Article 1:

An Ad Hoc Committee is hereby set up within the Pan-African Parliament with the mandate to consider and investigate all claims made by the PAP Staff Association and to report back to Plenary;

Article 2:

The Ad Hoc Committee shall be made up of the following members:
1.Chairperson of the Permanent Committee on Justice and Human Rights:Hon. Ignatienne Nyirarukundo
2.Deputy Chairperson of the Committee on Rules, Privileges and Discipline:Hon. Mahamat Saleh Makki
3.Two (2) representatives of the regional caucuses, one male and one female:Central African Regional Caucus:Hon. Sen. (Ms) Purificación Buhari LasakeroHon. Ango Ndoutoume FrançoisEast African Regional Caucus:Hon. Sen. (Ms) Jacqueline Muhongayire Hon. Sen. Stewart MadzayoNorth African Regional Caucus:Hon. Prof. (Ms) Massouda Mohamed LaghdafHon. Said Brahim SaidSouthern African Regional Caucus:Hon. (Ms) Barbara RwodziHon. Dr Phenyo ButaleWest African Regional Caucus:Hon. (Ms) Fatou K. JawaraEmmanuel Koti Sawadogo

Article 3:

The Committee shall form a Bureau by appointing a Chairperson, a Deputy Chairperson and a Rapporteur from among its members.

Article 4:

The report of the Ad Hoc Committee shall be presented to the Plenary on Wednesday 15 May 2019.
Adopted at Midrand, South Africa on 10 May 2019.
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