Resolution on the Model Law on Food Security and Nutrition in Africa

African Union

Resolution on the Model Law on Food Security and Nutrition in Africa

THE PAN-AFRICAN PARLIAMENT,CONSIDERING Article 17 of the Constitutive Act of the African Union establishing the Pan-African Parliament to ensure the "full participation of the African people in the development and integration of the continent";CONSIDERING also Article 3 of the Protocol to the Treaty Establishing the African Economic Community Relating to the Pan-African Parliament and Rule 4 (a) of the Rules of Procedure of the Pan-African Parliament, which empower the PAP to facilitate regional cooperation, development and promotion of "collective self-reliance and economic recovery" as well as the implementation of the policies, objectives and programmes" of the African Union;CONSIDERING FURTHER Article 11 (3) of the PAP Protocol and Rule 4 (1) (d) & (e) of the PAP Rules of Procedure, which empowers the PAP to work towards the harmonization or co-ordination of the laws of African Union Member States, inter alia through proposing and developing model laws;RECALLING the PAP Resolution on the development of a Model Law on Food Security and Nutrition in Africa, which was adopted during the First Ordinary Session of the Fifth Parliament, in October 2018;RECOGNIZING that the majority of African countries are parties to the international conventions relating to food security and nutrition (FSN), such as the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights, and that the right to adequate food is explicitly or implicitly enshrined in the national Constitutions of many countries in Africa;NOTING that FSN policies and frameworks that are anchored in legislation are relatively more effective and foster sustainable improvement of FSN, and the need to address structural challenges, specific policies, programmes, legislation and enabling environment for FSN;TAKING NOTE of the presentation on the draft Model Law on Food Security and Nutrition, which take into account the crosscutting and multi-sectoral nature of FSN and the diverse legal traditions of African States;IN ACCORDANCE WITH Rule 5 (b), (c) and (d) of the Rules of Procedure of the Pan-African Parliament, which empowers the PAP to, inter alia, organize debate, discuss, express an opinion, make recommendations and take resolutions on the objectives and on any matters relating to the African Union and its organs, Regional Economic Communities, Member States and their organs and institutions;
1.ADOPT the first Draft Model Law on FSN in Africa;
2.REQUEST the Committee on Agriculture to undertake regional consultations on the Draft Model Law on FSN in Africa, in order to integrate contributions from African citizens, the grassroots organizations and other interested stakeholders;
3.WELCOME the technical support from FAO and the fruitful collaboration between the PAPA-FSN, the Committee on Rural Economy, Agriculture, Natural Resources and Environment, African Union Development Agency (AUDA-NEPAD), and the African Union Commission’s Department of Rural Economy and Agriculture, for the formulation of the Draft Model Law on FSN.
Adopted in Midrand, South Africa17 October 2019
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