Decision on Lockerbie Case


The Assembly:

1. TAKES NOTE of the Report of the OAU Commission of Jurists on the Lockerbie Case which noted that the judgment of 31 January 2001 was based on evidence that was not in line with the vital elements of the accusation;

2. RECALLS Decision AHG/Dec.3 (V) adopted by the 5th Extraordinary Session of the Assembly of the Heads of State and Government held in Sirte, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya on 2 March 2001 and Decision AHG/Dec. 168 (XXXVII) adopted on the issue by the 37th Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government held from 9 to 11 July 2001 in Lusaka, Zambia as well as all the other resolutions and decisions taken by the OAU on this matter;

3. REGRETS the fact that the United Nations Security Council has, up to now, not definitively lifted the unjust sanctions and embargo imposed on Libya and which no longer have legal or moral justification, given the positive attitude and full cooperation shown by Jamahiriya in handling this issue and URGENTLY REQUESTS the Security Council to take the necessary measures to immediately and definitively lift these sanctions and embargo which have already caused untold suffering to the Libyan people;

4. ALSO REGRETS that the Court of Appeal pronounced judgment on 14 March 2002 rejecting the appeal lodged by Mr. Al Megrahi;

5. FURTHER REGRETS the decision taken on 7 January 2002 by the United States of America to extend for a period of one year the measures to boycott the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya by virtue of the special law they promulgated since 1986 in the aftermath of the crisis;

6. COMMENDS the Libyan Arab Jamahiriya for the spirit of cooperation it demonstrated throughout the judicial process and for the efforts it has invested to find a just and equitable solution to the Lockerbie Affair;

7. RECOMMENDS that the Current Chairman and the members of his Bureau use their good offices to make the necessary contacts with a view to ensuring a rapid and permanent settlement of the case.

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