Decision on the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples Doc. assembly/AU/9 (VIII) Add.6



The Assembly:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples adopted by the United Nations Human Rights Council on 29th June 2006;

  2. REAFFIRMS Resolution AHG Res-17/1 of 1964 in which all Member States of the Organization of African Unity pledged to respect borders existing on their achievement of national independence;

  3. EXPRESSES concern at the political, economic, social and constitutional implications of the Declaration on the African Continent;

  4. REAFFIRMS the United Nations General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 concerning the Declaration on the granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples;

  5. WELCOMES the efforts by the international community to address the rights of indigenous peoples and EXPRESSES full support and solidarity with indigenous peoples of the world;

  6. WELCOMES ALSO the decision of the United Nations General Assembly to defer consideration and action on the Declaration to allow for further consultations on the numerous matters of fundamental political and constitutional concern, amongst the most important of which are questions about:

  1. the definition of indigenous peoples;

  2. self-determination;

  3. ownership of land and resources;

  4. establishment of distinct political and economic institutions; and

  5. national and territorial integrity.

  1. AFFIRMS that the vast majority of the peoples of Africa are indigenous to the African Continent;

  2. DECIDES to maintain a united position in the negotiations on amending the Declaration and constructively work alongside other Member States of the United Nations in finding solutions to the concerns of African States;

  3. MANDATES the African Group at the United Nations in New York to continue to ensure that Africa’s interests in this matter are safeguarded;

  4. ALSO DECIDES to remain seized of the matter.

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