Decision on Zimbabwe


The Assembly,

  1. RECALLS Decision EX.CL/Dec.252(XIII) adopted in Sirte, Great Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, in July 2009 on the immediate lifting of sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe;

  2. DEPLORES the absence of the effective implementation of this Decision by the International Community;

  3. DRAWS THE ATTENTION of Member States and the International Community on the harmful consequences of the non-application of the said Decision on the economic and social stability of Zimbabwe as well as on the well-being of the populations of that country;

  4. INVITES all Member States and the International Community to give priority to the immediate and permanent lifting of the international sanctions imposed on Zimbabwe;

  5. REQUESTS the Chairperson of the Commission to ensure the speedy and immediate implementation of this Decision and to report to the next Ordinary Session of the Assembly in July 2010, on all actions undertaken in this regard.

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