Decision on the Report of the Commission on Development of the First Ten-Year Implementation Plan for Agenda 2063

Doc. EX.CL/899(XXVII)

The Executive Council,

1. TAKES NOTE of the Report of the Commission on the development of the First Ten- Year Implementation for African Union Agenda 2063 and COMMENDS the Commission working together with the NEPAD Planning and Coordinating Agency (NPCA) for the excellent work accomplished;

2. WELCOMES the consultative nature of the Agenda 2063 Development Process as it ensures inclusiveness and ownership;

3. RECALLS its Decision EX.CL/Dec. 855 (XXVI) and Assembly/AU/Dec.565(XXIV) taken at the Ordinary Session held in January 2015 in Addis Ababa, requesting the Commission to finalize all necessary consultations on the First Ten-Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063 with a view to submitting it to the June 2015 AU Summit;

4. EXPRESSES its appreciation for the continued collaboration and support rendered by UN Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the African Development Bank (AfDB) in development of Agenda 2063;

5. TAKES NOTE of progress made on the development of the Fast-Track Projects including the roadmaps and REQUESTS the Commission to finalise and present detailed project proposals, including the financing during the January 2016 AU Summit;

6. RECOMMENDS the Draft First Ten-Year Implementation Plan of Agenda 2063 for adoption by the Assembly and REQUESTS the Commission to incorporate all inputs provided by Member States to ensure alignment to the existing frameworks;

7. CALLS UPON the Commission working together with the NPCA, and in collaboration with the UNECA, AfDB, the RECs and other stakeholders to support Member States in domesticating Agenda 2063 into their national plans;

8. URGES Member States, RECs and the Commission, NPCA in partnership with the UNECA, and AfDB:

i) to consider the financing of Agenda 2063 in a manner that takes into account.

a) resource mobilization at national, regional and continental levels;

b) leveraging of existing and new financial intermediation vehicles to be created; and,

c) access to finance facilitation resources such as project development funds and guarantee and risk-sharing facilities;

ii) to address the issues of illicit financial flows, natural resource rent maximization and regional capital market development;

iii) to deepen the examination of the strategy for the domestic and external financing of Agenda 2063;

9. TAKES NOTE of the study for restructuring of the Commission, as well as, the recommendations from Capacity Assessment Studies conducted by the African Capacity Building Foundation (ACBF) on the Implementation of Agenda 2063, and URGES the Commission to finalise the study to facilitate implementation;

10. REQUESTS the Commission

i) to expedite the establishment of a robust mechanism, including temporary structure to oversee the domestication of the First Ten-Year Plan, and coordinate finalisation of the identified flagship projects;

ii) to mobilise resources to provide financial and technical support to Member States in their domestication efforts;

iii) to prepare an operational plan for implementation of the recommendations of the Resource Mobilization Study;

iv) to report on the progress made with respect to domestication of Agenda 2063 to the January 2016 AU Summit.

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