Decision on the Activity Report of the African Risk Capacity Specialized Agency of the African Union


Doc. EX.CL/1060(XXIX)

The Executive Council,

1. TAKES NOTE of the Activity Report of the African Risk Capacity Specialized Agency of the African Union (ARC Agency), together with the recommendations contained therein;

2. ENCOURAGES African Union Member States to reaffirm their commitment to the original vision that led to the establishment of ARC as an African owned solution; support and commitment should be demonstrated by countries signing or ratifying the Treaty and actively participating in the ARC risk pool;

3. REQUESTS the Commission to integrate the work of ARC into the activities of the Commission;

4. FURTHER REQUESTS the Commission to engage with ARC to develop concrete mechanisms and instruments of collaboration to raise awareness and galvanize political support among Member States;

5. URGES ARC Member States to work to capitalize ARC Ltd to increase African ownership over this ground-breaking and critical African institution;

6. ENCOURAGES Member States, relevant Specialized Technical Committees and Organs of the African Union to extend necessary support to and work with ARC to achieve its mandate of improving response to natural disasters on the continent, and to involve ARC in discussions, events and decisions relating to natural disaster risk, climate change and innovative finance;

7. STRONGLY ADVOCATES that donors and International Financial Institutions such as the World Bank and African Development Bank, Arab Bank for Economic Development in Africa, the Islamic Development Bank and the European Union actively support premium financing for African Governments to sustainably participate in the ARC risk pool;

8. ENCOURAGES donor partners to support the establishment of the ARC replica programme to drive even further coordination between the positive efforts being made by African Governments and the work of the humanitarian community on the continent;

9- REQUESTS ARC to submit a progress report on the implementation of this decision at the January 2019 Summit and activity reports at each subsequent January Summits.

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