Regulation C/REG.18/12/99 Relating to the Renewal of Lease Agreement on the Residences of Executive Secretariat Staff in Abuja

Economic Community of West African States

Regulation C/REG.18/12/99 Relating to the Renewal of Lease Agreement on the Residences of Executive Secretariat Staff in Abuja

The Council of Ministers,MINDFUL of Articles 10, 11 and 12 of the ECOWAS Revised Treaty establishing the Council of Ministers and defining its composition and functions;CONSIDERING that the completion date for the construction of official residences for the staff of the Executive Secretariat at Katampe, Abuja has been moved forward from December 1998 to June 2000 as a result of delays in the commencement of construction works;NOTING that the leases on most of the residences rented for the staff of the Executive Secretariat in 1998 are due to expire in February 2000;AWARE of the need to renew the lease agreements on the staff residences in Abuja and make funds available to the Executive Secretariat for this purpose;On the recommendation of the Twenty-fourth Meeting of the Administration and Finance Commission held in Lomé from 27th November to 3rd December, 1999;ENACTS

Article 1

An amount of 707,000 UA representing the current cost of rent paid for staff accommodation plus a maximum increase of 10% is hereby granted for the renewal of the leases on the residences of ECOWAS Secretariat staff in Abuja for a period of two years.

Article 2

A meeting of the ad hoc ministerial committee on construction of staff residential accommodation shall be convened in Abuja no later than February 2000 to assess progress on the construction works and to examine the problems of infrastructure and security at the location.

Article 3

This Regulation shall be published by the Executive Secretariat in the Official Journal of the Community within thirty (30) days of its signature by the Chairman of the Council of Ministers. It shall also be published in the National Gazette of each Member State within the same time-frame.
Done at Lome, this 7th day of December, 1999.Abdoul Hamid S.B. DurodjayeChairman for Council.
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