Regulation C/REG.16/12/07 Establishing the Conditions of Service for Statutory Appointees of Community Institutions

Economic Community of West African States

Regulation C/REG.16/12/07 Establishing the Conditions of Service for Statutory Appointees of Community Institutions

The Council of Ministers,MINDFUL of Articles 10, 11 and 12 of the ECOWAS Treaty as amended on the creation of the ECOWAS Council of Ministers and defining its composition and functions;MINDFUL of the Directive contained in the Final Communique of the Twenty-eighth Session of the Authority of Heads of State, stating the reform of the ECOWAS Executive Secretariat towards its adaptation to the international environment in order to make it more effective in the discharge of its integration mission in the sub-region;MINDFUL of Decision A/DEC.16/01/06 transforming the Executive Secretariat into a Commission;MINDFUL of Council's responsibility with regards to the functioning and development of Community Institutions as envisaged in the ECOWAS Treaty;CONSIDERING that during the transformation of the Executive Secretariat into a Commission and the restructuring of other Community institutions, new conditions of service were not defined;ALSO CONSIDERING that some Statutory Appointees are not accommodated by the host country of the ECOWAS Institution and/or specialised agency;CONSIDERING the need for the Community to therefore provide accommodation to the Statutory Appointees concerned, or in the alternative, pay them compensatory housing allowance and other benefits envisaged in the ECOWAS Staff Regulations;DESIRING to define and establish improved conditions of service for the Statutory Appointees of the Community Institutions;ENACTS

Article 1

1.Improved Conditions of service of Statutory Appointees of Community Institutions are hereby adopted.
2.The conditions of service referred to in paragraph 1 of this Article are as contained in the attached Annex.

Article 2

The conditions of service will be applied retroactively commencing from 1st February 2007.

Article 3 – Entry into force

This Regulation shall be published by the ECOWAS Commission in the Official Journal of the Community within thirty (30) days of the date of its signing by the Chairperson of the Council of Ministers. It shall also be published by each Member State in its Official Journal within the same time frame.
Done at Ouagadougou, this 15th day of December 2007H.E. Mme Minata Samaté CessoumaChairperson, for the Council
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