The Dispute Between Ethiopia and Eritrea

AHG/Dec. 130 (XXXIV)


The Assembly of' Heads of State and Government of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-fourth Ordinary Session in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso, from 8 to 10 June 1998, examined the on-going crisis between Ethiopia and Eritrea. At the end of the deliberations, the Assembly:

EXPRESSED DEEP concern over the escalation of the conflict;

  • ENDORSED the relevant resolution of the 68th Ordinary Session of the Council of Ministers on the crisis between Ethiopia and Eritrea and urgently appealed to the two parties to, concurrently and simultaneously, put and end to all hostilities, accept and implement the recommendations of the Facilitators;

  • DECIDED to send to Ethiopia and Eritrea a delegation of Heads of State and Government of the Central Organ, to be led by the Current Chairman.

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