Resoluttion on the 20th Anniversary of adoption of Res.1514 (XV) by UN General Assembly

CM/Res.793. (XXXV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of Africa Unity meeting in its Thirty- fifth Ordinary Session in Freetown, Sierra Leone, from 18 to 28 June, 1980,

Having Examined the Report of the OAU Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa and the Report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the Executive Secretariat at the United Nations (Documents CM/1047 (XXXV), 1040

(XXXV) Pt.IV.),

Having reviewed on the occasion of the Twentieth Anniversary of its adoption, the implementation of the historic Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, contained in General Assembly resolution 1514

(XV) of 14 December 1960, by which the Assembly affirmed that the subjection of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation constituted a denial of fundamental human rights and was contrary to the Charter of the United Nations,

Aware that the principles enshrined in the Declaration have continued to serve as an important source of encouragement and inspiration to Namibia in particular and to the peoples under colonial and alien domination in their struggle to achieve their inalienable right to self-determination and independence,

Noting with satisfaction that, since the adoption of the Declaration, a number of Territories have achieved self-government and independence and many have since joined the United Nations system of organizations, and welcoming the positive developments towards full internal self-government and independence in the remaining colonial Territories,

Condemning the continued colonialist and racist repression of millions of Africans in Namibia by the racist regime of South Africa, resulting from its intransigence and its persistent, illegal occupation of the international Territory,

Deeply conscious of the pressing need to take all the necessary measures to bring about the speedy and complete elimination of the last vestiges of colonialism in African particularly with respect to Namibia and South Africa where millions of Africans continue to be subjugated under the oppressive rule of the illegal racist minority regime,

Noting that the success of the national liberation struggle and the resultant international situation have created favorable conditions for the complete elimination of colonialism, racial discrimination and apartheid in South Africa,

Reiterating its conviction that the total eradication of racial discrimination, apartheid and violations of the basic human rights of the peoples in colonial Territories will be achieved with the greatest speed by the faithful and complete implementation of the Declaration,

Considering that, by arousing World public opinion and promoting practical action for the speedy liquidation of colonialism in all its forms and manifestations the Declaration has played and will continue to play an important role in assisting the peoples under colonial rule in their struggle from freedom and independence,

Conscious of the fact that although many colonial countries and peoples have achieved freedom and independence in the last twenty years, colonialism continues to exist in many areas of the world, particularly in Africa,

Reaffirming that all peoples have the right to self-determination and independence and that the subjection of the peoples to alien domination constitutes a serious impediment to the maintenance of international peace and security and the development of peaceful relations among nations:

  1. REAFFIRMS its adherence to and support for Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 of the General Assembly of the UN as well as the Assembly’s Resolutions 2621 (XXV) of 12 October 1970 and 3481 (XXX) of 11 December 1975, and all other resolutions on decolonisation;

  1. DECLARES that the continuation of colonialism in all its forms and manifestations – including racism, apartheid and the activities of foreign economic and other interests which exploit colonial peoples, as well as waging of colonial wars to suppress the national liberation movements of the colonial Territories in Africa – is incompatible with the Charter of the United Nations, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Declaration on the Granting of Independence of Colonial Countries and Peoples and poses a serious treat to international peace and security;

  1. REAFFIRMS the inalienable rights of colonial peoples to struggle by all necessary means at their disposal against colonial powers which suppress their aspiration for freedom and independence;

  1. STORNGLY CONDEMNS all countries which continue to intensify their economic activities and other foreign concerns thus impeding the implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples;

  1. FURTHER CONDEMNS the expulsion and displacement of the natives of these territories;

  1. CALLS UPON all Member States to do their utmost to promote in the United Nations and the Organizations within the United Nations system, effective measures for the full implementation of Resolution 1514 (XV) including the adoption by the Security Council of effective measures against governments and regimes which engage in forms of repression of colonial peoples, which would seriously impede the maintenance of international peace and security;

  2. CALLS UPON the United Nations Security Council to continue to give special attention to the problems of Namibia by adopting measures to ensure the full implementation of United Nations General Assembly Resolutions 1514 (XV) and its own resolutions and in particular, a mandatory oil embargo against the racist regime of South Africa for its policy of apartheid and for illegally occupying Namibia in defiance of Security Council Resolutions.

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