Resoluttion on the Activities of the Pan African Telecommunications Union

CM/Res.813 (XXXV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of Africa Unity meeting in its Thirty- fifth Ordinary Session in Freetown, Sierra Leone, from 18 to 28 June, 1980,

Having examined the activity report of the Secretary-General, (Document CM/1040

(XXXV) Part II) and his report on the activities of Specialized Institutions (Document CM/1040 (XXXV) Part IV),

Recalling Resolution CM/Res.404 (XXIV) adopted in Kampala, Uganda, in July 1975 by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government, approving the establishment of the Pan-African Telecommunications Union,

Conscious of the objectives of the Pan African Telecommunications Union (PATU) as defined in the Union’s Convention,

Considering the co-operation agreement between OAU and PATU signed on 14 July 1979 in Monrovia, Liberia, confirming that PATU is the competent OAU Specialized Institution in the field of Telecommunications,

Reaffirming Resolution CM/Res.754 (XXXIII) Rev.1 adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government in Monrovia in July 1979 in which it was decided that a study should be undertaken within the framework of the Transport and Telecommunications Decade in Africa on the regional telecommunications satellite network project,

Taking note with satisfaction of the decision of the conference of African Telecommunication experts jointly organized by the OAU and PATU in Geneva in September 1979, establishing a Committee of 11 to study the Regional Telecommunications Satellite Network Project for Africa and the success at the seminar on the said project (AFROSAT) organized by PATU in Kinshasa in March/April 1980,

Bearing in mind the special importance of the forthcoming seminars to be held by PATU on technical maintenance, professional training and inter-state co-operation promotion and development of telecommunications industries in Africa,

Considering the Lagos Plan of Action adopted in April 1980 by the Second Extra- Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government on the Economic Development of Africa, and, resolution EAHG/Res.1 (II) of the same requesting the OAU Secretary-General, in collaboration with the Executive Secretary of the ECA, to take the necessary steps to facilitate the implementation of the proposed Plan of Action with the support of the OAU Specialized Institutions and the financial and technical assistance of interested International Organizations,

Taking note of resolutions 04, 05, 06 and 07/CA/80/PATU of PATU Governing Council on:

  • the activities of the Union,

  • the Second Session of the Conference of PATU Plenipotentiaries,

  • the holding of the next session of the Conference of Plenipotentiaries of the International Telecommunications Union (ITU), in Nairobi, Kenya, from 12 October to 9 November 1982,

  • the payment of contributions to the budgets of PATU:

  1. CONGRATULATES the General Secretariat of PATU on the task already undertaken and URGES it to intensify its efforts for the improvement, development and co-ordination of Telecommunications Networks and services in Africa;

  1. CALLS on Member States, which have not yet joined PATU to accede to the Union’s Convention as soon as possible;

  1. CALLS ON Member States which have signed the PATU Convention to ensure, as soon as possible:

  • the ratification of the Union’s Convention,

  • the payment of their contributions to the Union’s budgets for the 1978/1979, 1979/1980 and 1980/1981 financial years, and to take the necessary steps so that future payments of their contributions to PATU budgets are not delayed,

  1. REQUESTS all OAU Member States to:

  • facilitate the recruitment of qualified staff to serve PATU,

  • implement the recommendations of the Kinshasa “AFROSAT” Seminar by communicating to the PATU Secretariat, within reasonable time, their telecommunications requirements for the next ten years as well as their proposals and comments on the regional telecommunications satellite network project for Africa so as to provide the committee of 11 with the necessary data for its work,

  • to strengthen their political, material and financial support for all the PATU activities,

  1. INVITES all Member States in conformity with PATU recommendations, to actively prepare for the next session of the ITU Conference of Plenipotentiaries to be held in Nairobi, Kenya, from 12 October to 9 November 1982, and to harmonize their views on all agenda items of the ITU Conference including candidatures to the various posts at Headquarters, during the Second Session of the PATU Conference of Plenipotentiaries scheduled for the end of 1981 or early 1982, and present a report to the OAU Council of Ministers at its Thirty-ninth Session;

  1. REQUESTS African Regional and Sub-Regional Organizations, African financial Institutions to co-operate closely with PATU with a view of harmonizing all African projects in the field of Telecommunications;


other international organizations and foreign countries desirous of helping Africa with the harmonious development of telecommunications services and networks to support and assist the Pan-African Telecommunications Union

in the implementation of its programme of action as the competent African Regional Telecommunications Organization;

  1. CALLS on the OAU Secretary-General, in collaboration with the PATU Secretary-General, to submit an activity report on the implementations of Resolution CM/Res.754 (XXXIII) Rev.1 and on the present resolution, to its Thirty-seventh Session.

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