Resolution on Namibia.

CM/Res.853 (XXXVII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-seventh Ordinary Session in Nairobi, Kenya from 15 to 26 June, 1981,

Reaffirming the inalienable rights of the people of Namibia to self-determination, freedom and national independence including Walvis Bay, Penguin and other off- shore Islands, in accordance with all the relevant resolutions and decisions of the United Nations, the OAU and the Non-Aligned Movement, in particular General Assembly Resolution 1514 (XV) of 14 December 1960 and Security Council Resolutions 385 (1976), 432 (1978), 435 (1978) and 439 (1978), and the legitimacy of their struggle, especially the armed struggle, to secure the enjoyment of such rights,

Reaffirming the legal responsibility of the United Nations with respect to Namibia in terms of General Assembly Resolutions 2145 (XXI) of 1966 and 2248 (S-V) of 1967,

Bearing in mind the fact that the United Nations Council for Namibia is the sole legal administering authority over Namibia until genuine independence is achieved in the Territory, and commending the council for its work in fulfillment of the mandate entrusted to it by the General Assembly,

Having heard all the statements made before the Council of Ministers in particular that made by Mr. S. Nujoma President of SWAPO, which is the sole legitimate and authentic representative of the people of Namibia,

Deeply concerned about the continued illegal occupation of Namibia by the racist, terrorist South Africa and its blatant refusal to implement United Nations resolutions and decisions on Namibia;

Gravely concerned at the present critical situation created by fascist South Africa in and around Namibia, which constitutes a serious threat to international peace and security;

Noting with concern the fact that the South African illegal occupation regime intensifies its repression, imprisons and assassinates Namibians due to their unflinching commitment to the cause of liberation of their country;

Deeply concerned about the repeated acts of aggression committed by mercenaries, terrorist forces and para-military police of the racist Pretoria regime as well as other subversive activities being carried out in the Southern African region by puppet traitor groups and counter-revolutionary elements in the service and interest of imperialism and racist colonialists;

Noting with satisfaction the heroism of the valiant patriots and fighters of the Namibian Revolution, under the leadership of SWAPO, for pursuing a multi-form struggle, at military, political, social and diplomatic fronts;

Noting with satisfaction the progress made and the victories scored by the People’s Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN), the military wing of SWAPO, as evidenced by the relevant documentation and other supplementary information contained in the report of the Executive Secretariat;

Recalling the relevant resolutions and decisions of the Seventeenth Ordinary Session of the Assembly of Heads of State and Government, the relevant part on Namibia of the New Delhi Declaration of 14 February, 1981, the Resolution on Namibia adopted by the OAU Council of Ministers at its Thirty-sixth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa,

Bearing in mind the joint Communique issued in Luanda on 15 April, 1981 by the Heads of Frontline States of Southern Africa,

Recalling the final communique of the Extra-Ordinary Ministerial meeting of the Co-ordinating Bureau of the Non-Aligned Countries, held in Algiers from 15 to 18 April, 1981 on Namibia,

Strongly deploring the policies of the major NATO powers which, despite the resolutions and decisions of the UN, the OAU and the Non-Aligned Movement as well as the advisory opinion of the International Court of Justice of 21 June, 1971, continue to co-operate with racist, terrorist South Africa in spite of its illegal occupation of Namibia,

Indignant at the triple vetoes cast by the Governments of the United States, the United Kingdom and France on the Namibian question, thus frustrating the will of the majority in the Security Council and of the international community:

  1. REAFFIRMS the urgent need for the oppressed people of Namibia to exercise, as soon as possible, their inalienable right to self-determination, freedom and national independence in a united Namibia, including Walvis Bay and the Penguin and other offshore islands;

  1. REAFFIRMS that Namibia is the legal responsibility of the United Nations until genuine self-determination and national independence are achieved in the Territory;

  1. ENDORESES the Panama Declaration and the Programme of Action on Namibia adopted by the United Nations Council for Namibia on 5 June 1981;

  1. DECLARES that racist terrorist South Africa’s illegal occupation of Namibia, its attempt to annex Walvis Bay, its persistent defiance of the UN, its war of repression being waged against Namibians, its repeated acts of aggression launched from Namibia against independent African States, its colonialist expansionism its policy of apartheid constitutes a serious threat to international peace and security;

  2. CONDEMNS fascist South Africa for its continued illegal occupation of Namibia, its attempt to annex Walvis Bay and its blatant refusal to comply with resolutions and decisions of the United Nations;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the United States, the United Kingdom and France for their collusion with the South African racists as manifested in the triple vetoes in the Security Council where the majority of the world body demonstrated its determination to adopt concrete political and economic measures aimed at isolating terrorist South Africa in order to compel it to vacate Namibia;

  1. FURTHER CONDEMNS the overt or covert collusion of certain Western countries in particular the United States of America with the South African racists which have obstructed the efforts of the international community to achieve this objective;

  1. REAFFIRMS that Security Council Resolution 435 endorsing the UN Plan for the Independence of Namibia as the only basis for a negotiated settlement of the Namibian problem and CALLS FOR the immediate and unconditional implementation of that resolution without any prevarication, qualification or modification;

  1. REJECTS the latest sinister schemes by certain members of the Western Contact Group in particular the USA, aimed at forcing the international community to abandon Security Council Resolution 435 endorsing the UN Plan for the Independence of Namibia, and depriving the oppressed Namibian people of their hard won victories in the struggle for national liberation;

  1. EXPRESSES its profound dismay as regards the demonstrated unwillingness by certain members of the Contact Group to carry on with the implementation process, which it has itself initiated, and to exert the

necessary pressure on the racist Pretoria regime to force it to comply with Security Council resolutions 435 and 439;

  1. REJECTS attempts by the USA, the United Kingdom and France as was the case at the UN Security Council last April to present puppet elements as the true representation of the people of Namibia;

  1. DENOUNCES the emerging unholy alliance between Pretoria and Washington characterized by baseless hostility against Angola and their collusion to intensify acts of destabilization in that country as well as to misrepresent the nature of the colonial conflict in Namibia as one of global strategic considerations;

  1. RENEWS its pledge to render material, military, financial, political, humanitarian, diplomatic and moral assistance to SWAPO;

  1. CONDEMNS the continued illegal exploitation and plundering by racist South Africa and Western Transnational Corporation of Namibia’s natural resources, in violation of Decree No.1 of the UN Council for Namibia for the protection of the natural resources of the Territory;

  1. CONDEMNS also the increasing military build-up by the terrorist Pretoria regime in Namibia coupled with the use of mercenaries as well as conscription of the Namibian youth at a gunpoint into the colonial occupation army and para-military police;

  1. CONDEMNS and REJECTS racist South Africa’s attempt to promote and install a puppet regime in Windhoek with a view to declaring a fake independence in Namibia;

  1. REAFFIRMS the fact that due to the intransigence of the illegal occupation regime of Pretoria, the armed struggle remains the most effective course of action for bringing about the independence of Namibia;

  2. REAFFIRMS its commitment to the Namibian Plan of Action and calls upon all Member States and others to facilitate its speedy and effective implementation;

  1. URGES all friendly countries and other supporters of the liberation struggle in Southern Africa to contribute generously towards the Emergency Namibia Liberation Fund set up by the OAU;

  1. WELCOMES the establishment of a Solidarity Fund by the Non-Aligned Movement to strengthen SWAPO’s efforts in expediting Namibia’s independence;

  1. RECOMMENDS that effective co-ordination should as soon as possible be established between the OAU and Non-Aligned Movement in consultation with SWAPO;

  1. CALLS for a world wide campaign to be launched to ensure that South Africa is isolated and that comprehensive mandatory sanctions including oil embargo are imposed against it with a view to forcing it out of Namibia;

  1. REITERATES the call for the convening of an Emergency Special Session of the General Assembly on the Independence of Namibia during the first week of September, 1981 and calls upon all OAU Member States to participate at Ministerial level;

  1. CALLS UPON all friendly countries, national and international organizations to respond immediately and effectively to appeals made by SWAPO and/or the Frontline States whose security and sovereignty are constantly threatened by the racist, terrorist South Africa;

  2. RECOMMENDS to the Chairman of the Eighteenth Assembly of Heads of State and Government to launch a world-wide campaign to mobilize financial resources for SWAPO;

  1. EXPRESSES its profound gratitude to the UN Secretary-General for his tireless efforts and for his defence of the principle of the right to self- determination and independence of the oppressed people of Namibia and for the initiative he has taken to expedite a negotiated settlement in Namibia.

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