Resolution on the Israeli Aggression against the Republic of Iraq.

CM/Res.857 (XXXVII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-seventh Ordinary Session in Nairobi, Kenya from 15 to 26 June, 1981,

Having considered the Israeli act of aggression against the Republic of Iraq,

Considering that the air raid perpetrated by Israel against the Iraqi nuclear installations constitutes an open act of aggression against the Republic of Iraq,

Further considering that such a criminal act constitutes a flagrant violation of the Charter of the United Nations, international law and the fundamental principles governing international relations,

Considering that the serious violation of the territorial integrity and sovereignty of the Republic of Iraq constitutes a breach of international peace and security,

Convinced that it is characteristic of Zionism to establish and strengthen itself through aggression, domination and territorial expansion,

Further convinced that Israel is a permanent source of aggression which keeps the whole Arab Nation in instability and insecurity,

Recognizing that the Israeli act of aggression constitute a serious blow to Iraq’s right to development and beyond this aims at keeping the peoples of the region in a state of underdevelopment so as to ensure domination over them and the exploitation of their resources,

Considering the right of each state to develop scientific and technological research in the nuclear field for economic and social development purposes,

Expressing its grave concern about and indignation at the fact that Israel, which possesses nuclear weapons and refuses to adhere to the non-proliferation treaty, attacked nuclear installations meant for development,

Taking note of recent Security Council Resolution 487/81 condemning the Israeli aggression, against Iraq,

Taking note with satisfaction of the fact that this act of aggression was unanimously condemned by the international community as a threat to International peace and security:

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS Israel for its deliberate act of aggression against the Republic of Iraq which constitutes a threat to international peace and security;

  1. FURTHER STRONGLY CONDEMNS Israel for its policy of expansion and aggression;

  1. EXPRESSES, in these serious circumstances, its full solidarity with and support for the people and government of Iraq;

  1. EXPRESSES SATISFACTION at the unanimous condemnation by the international community of the Israeli aggression against the Republic of Iraq;

  1. AFFIRMS the right of all States, especially, of developing countries to develop autonomous programmes of scientific and technological research in the nuclear field for economic and social development;

  1. STRONGLY APPEALS to all States, the UN and its Specialized Agencies for effective measures to be adopted against Israel following its act of aggression perpetrated against the Republic of Iraq and its repeated violations of the

Charter of the United Nations and the fundamental principles governing international relations;

  1. RECOMMENDS to Member States to reiterate their firm commitment to maintain severance of diplomatic relations with Israel, the natural and unconditional accomplice of racist South Africa;

  1. DECIDES that African countries within all international fora, should combine their efforts with those of other members of the international community with a view to adopting all the strong measures called for by the Israeli act of aggression against the Republic of Iraq.

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