Resolution on Afro-Arab Co-operation

CM/Res.862 (XXXVII)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-seventh Ordinary Session in Nairobi, Kenya from 15 to 26 June, 1981,

Having carefully considered the report of the Secretary-General on Afro-Arab Co- operation Doc. CM/1150 (XXXVII),

Bearing in mind the objectives and guidelines laid down by the First Afro-Arab Summit Conference held in Cairo, in March 1977,

Reaffirming its determination and readiness to seek ways and means to reactivate joint Afro-Arab activities, in pursuance of the decisions taken by the First Afro- Arab Summit,

Conscious of the common struggle against Zionism and apartheid and the need for a greater Afro-Arab solidarity against these systems,

Recalling Resolutions CM/Res.721 (XXXIII) Rev.1 and CM/Res. 781 (XXXV) adopted respectively by the Thirty-third and Thirty-fifth Ordinary Sessions of the Council,

Further recalling Resolution CM/Res.770 (XXXIV) which reaffirms the principle according to which all OAU Member States have the right to be invited to and participate in all the meetings of Afro-Arab Co-operation:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the report of the Secretary-General on Afro-Arab Co- operation;

  1. APPEALS to all member States of OAU and of the League of Arab States to give their unflinching support to the initiatives of the Co-ordinating committee and of the two Secretariats in their efforts geared towards implementing the decisions of the First Afro-Arab Summit Conference;

  1. ENDORSES the decisions and recommendations of the Co-ordinaitng Committee, so contained in Document CM/1150 (XXXVII) and particularly those concerning:

    1. The organization of a joint conference of the representatives of African and Arab private sectors;

    1. The planned study on the promotion of Afro-Arab trade, and requests the UNDP to offer financial and technical assistance for undertaking such a study;

    1. The planned establishment of a Cultural Fund and an Afro-Arab Cultural Research Centre;

    1. The organization of a joint Afro-Arab Seminar on the Amman Plan of Action and Strategy;

    1. Organization of an Afro-Arab Conference of Donors with a view to implementing the Multilateral Plan of Action;

    1. The scheduling of meetings of African and Arab specialized agencies with similar and complementary vocation within the context of the implementation of the Lagos Plan of Action and Final Act;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretaries-General of the Organization of Africa Unity and of the League of Arab States to ensure the implementation of the above

decisions and to find ways and means for the prompt realization of these activities;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretaries-General of the Organizations to hold consultations with the Co-Chairman of the African and Arab Groups, with a view to convening as soon as possible, the Standing Commission and the Joint Afro-Arab Ministerial Conference so that the Summit Conference of Heads of State and Government may be held as provided for by the First Afro-Arab Summit of Cairo;

  1. REQUESTS the League of Arab States to grant observer status to the OAU and to the Liberation Movements recognized by the latter and REQUESTS the Arab League to place and keep permanently on its Agenda the question of Liberation in Southern Africa;

  1. DECIDES to re-elect the OAU Committee of 12 to be composed of the following Member States:

  1. Angola 7. Morocco

  2. The Gambia 8. Mozambique

  3. Guinea Bissau 9. Niger

  4. Kenya 10. Rwanda

  5. Liberia 11. Swaziland

  6. Madagascar 12. Tunisia

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