Resolution on Industrial Development in Africa.


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Thirty- seventh Ordinary Session in Nairobi, Kenya from 15 to 26 June, 1981,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the Industrial Development Decade for Africa (Document CM/1135 (XXXVII),

Recalling the commitment and determination of all Member States and expressed in the Lagos Plan of Action and Final Act, to accord a malparole to industrialization in their national development plans and for continental sectoral integration,

Recalling Further the decision of the Second Extra-Ordinary Assembly of Heads of State and Government, as embodied in the Lagos Plan of Action, to declare the years 1980 to 1990 as the Industrial Development Decade for Africa,

Recalling OAU Resolution CM/Res.736 (XXXIII) on the signature and ratification of the Constitution of UNIDO as a Specialized Agency of the United Nations:

  1. TAKES NOTE of the progress report of the Secretary-General on the Industrial Development Decade for Africa contained in Document CM/1135 (XXXVII);

  1. WELCOMES the proclamation of the 1980s as the Industrial Development Decade for Africa by the United Nations General Assembly Resolution and the Resolution adopted by Fifteenth Session of the UNIDO Industrial Development Board which inter alia declares the Industrial Development Decade for Africa as one of the most important programmes of the UNIDO;

  1. APPEALS to development countries and multilateral financing institutions to provide the necessary resources for the implementation of the Programme of the Decade;

  1. REITERATES the call by the UN General Assembly to the Secretary- General of the UN to provide appropriate resources for the successful launching of the Decade as well as for the preparation and implementation of the Decade Programme;

  1. REQUESTS all OAU Member States to take, with the assistance of the UNIDO and the UNDP, the necessary measures to draw up and implement specific programmes in the context of the Decade at national, regional and sub-regional levels;

  1. INVITES the Conference of African Ministers of Industry scheduled for November 1981 in Kampala, Uganda, to provide a common African policy guidance and adopt a framework for the programme of the Decade as an important step towards the implementation of the Lagos Plan of Action in the field of industry;

  1. URGES ALL international organizations, especially the UNDP in the context of the programming of its national and regional funds for Africa, to increase, in accordance with the UN General Assembly Resolution 35/66 (B), their technical and financial assistance to African countries at the national, regional and sub-regional levels for the preparation and implementation of the Decade Programme;


sustained and growing technical assistance given to African countries and consequently STRONGLY SUPPORTS the measures recently taken by this organization to re-orientate its policy in favour of developing countries;

  1. URGES all Member States, which have not done so, to ratify, as a matter of urgency the Constitution of the UNIDO to ensure the early transformation of the Organization as a UN Specialized Agency to enable it to more effectively fulfill its mandate which is of particular relevance to the achievement of African economic development objectives as reflected in the Lagos Plan of Action;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to:

    1. take, in co-operation with the Executive Director of UNIDO and the Executive Secretary of the ECA, all necessary measures for effective monitoring of all activities related to the implementation of the Decade Programme, and to present progress reports to the Council of Ministers on a regular basis;

    1. convey the contents of their resolution to the Secretary-General of the UN and the Administrator of the UNDP.

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