Resolution Relating to the Policy on International Air Tariffs.


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Thirty-seventh Ordinary Session in Nairobi, Kenya from 15 to 26 June, 1981,

Having considered the report of the Secretary-General on the activities of the specialized agencies of the OAU relating to the African Civil Aviation Commission – Document CM/1120 (XXXVII) Part IV,

Recalling the Declaration of General Policy in the field of Civil Aviation adopted in accordance with its Resolution CM/Res.739 (XXXII) Rev.1 on Civil Aviation in Africa concerning the establishment of an African Air Tariffs Conference,

Considering that the present deregulation tariff policy of the United States which undermines directly the existence of a world mechanism for the fixing of tariffs, established since 1946,

Considering that in the context of international air transport, tariff control depends on both economic and political reasons,

Conscious of the importance of political considerations which account for the fact that national airlines benefit in time of crisis from governments financial support in the form of subventions or loans,

Considering therefore that an uncontrolled tariff competition would inevitably lead to political frictions between the governments involved,

Desirous however, of protecting inadequately equipped African National airlines through the provisions of appropriate tariff structures so that they may not be eliminated from the market by more powerful carriers,

Convinced of the need to provide a regular and continuous international air service, whose impact will assist in the building of an inter-dependent African economy,

Noting that the setting up of an African Air Tariff Conference is Africa’s contribution to the solution of the problems raised by the establishment of air tariffs, thus facilitating co-ordination with the world multilateral mechanisms of tariff establishment,

Taking note of Resolution 97-1, adopted in Nairobi May 1981 by the African Civil Aviation Commission, on international air tariffs:

  1. DECLARES that any consideration with a view to reviewing any multilateral system of fixing international air tariffs, on worldwide basis, requires the participation of the entire international aviation community;

  1. APPEALS to the Government of the United States of America to desist from any unilateral action likely to have an adverse effect on the multilateral mechanisms of tariff fixing and which may seriously prejudice the orderly development of Civil Aviation in Africa;

  1. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to take all necessary steps to express formally to the government of the United States of America the concerns of the OAU Member States, about the adverse political effects its deregulation policy regarding international air tariffs may have.

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