Resolution on the New International Information Order.


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity meeting in its Thirty- seventh Ordinary Session in Nairobi, Kenya from 15 - 26 June 1981,

Considering that the struggle waged by the African peoples to complete and strengthen their independence and to eradicate the aftermaths of colonialism – in the political, economic, cultural and intellectual fields – merits the support of all who have the means to provide this,

Considering further, that the establishment of the New International Economic Order and of the New International Information and Communications Order is a major twin objective that is essential to the elimination of all forms of subjection of the peoples, and calls for broad understanding on the part of the developed and the developing countries and, likewise, for close co-operation between them.

Acknowledging that these aspirations that have been expressed by numerous Third World countries have gained the wholehearted support, at worldwide level, of a large part of public opinion, of governmental authorities and of non-governmental organizations,

Recognizing in particular that the establishment of the New International Information and Communication Order has received the approval and encouragement, within the United Nations system and, more particularly, in Unesco, of the representatives of all countries,

Mindful that the establishment of good relations and co-operation among the peoples on a basis of equality requires that the aspirations of all nations should be made known, extensively publicized, objectively reported and correctly appraised,

Re-affirming that the complete liberation of the oppressed peoples entails respect for the freedom of opinion and information, the freedom of access to information and balance in the flow of news,

Noting, however, that part of the world press and of the mass information media persists in taking advantage of its privileged position on the international scene by disseminating false information and by placing a wrong interpretation on the aspirations of the recently liberated countries, their needs in all areas, the objectives of their sovereign governments, the obstacles to their development and to the assertion of their Order and the international organizations, more especially Unesco, that are prepared to use every means in their power to meet the needs of the developing countries,

Noting with concern the efforts that a small number of media are still making, on the pretext of defending the freedom of information and the free flow of news, to maintain their position of monopoly, privilege and domination on the international scene:

  1. APPEALS to world public opinion to oppose those who continue to belittle and distort the legitimate aspirations and objectives of the Third World countries and more especially of African countries;

  1. INVITES the information organs of the developing world, and especially press agencies and media, to redouble their efforts to make a greater contribution to enriching the information about the Third World intended for world public opinion;

  1. INVITES journalists and media that are still hostile to the objectives of the developing countries and to the targets of the New International Information Order to strive towards greater understanding, objectivity and truthfulness;

  1. INVITES the international community, especially the regional and international bodies, to continue wholeheartedly to support African countries

in their action to develop communications and to establish a more equitable and balanced exchange of information and messages.

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