Resolution on negotiations for a Successor Arrangement to Lome II Convention

CM/Res.93O (XL)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fortieth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia from 27 February to 5 March 1984,

Conscious of the importance of Africa’s effective participation in international economic negotiations,

Recalling the provisions of the Lagos Plan of Action and in particular Annex III on the participation of Africa in international negotiations,

Recalling further “the Libreville Memorandum on Trade and Development” adopted in Libreville, Gabon in February 1983 and “the Buenos Aires Platform” adopted in Buenos Aires, Argentina by the Ministerial Meeting of the Group of 77 in April 1983,

Having heard the statement of the Ethiopian Minister of Foreign Affairs on the on- going ACP/EEC negotiations for a Successor Arrangement to LOME II Convention,

Taking into account the Lome I AND Lome II ACP/EEC Conventions and the ACP Georgetown Agreement:

Aware of the relevant resolutions of the United Nations in particular:

Resolutions 3201 and 3202(S-VI) relating to the establishment of the New International Economic Order,

Resolution 3281 (XXXIX) relating to the Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States,

Resolution 3262 (S-VII) relating to Development and International Economic Co-operation,

Bearing in mind the disappointing results of UNCTAD VI to the aspiration of the developing countries and Africa in particular,

Concerned at the serious International economic and social crises which affect more the

developing countries and Africa in particular,

Anxious to promote international co-operation and strengthen economic and social development within the context of a Successor Arrangement to Lome II Convention:

  1. EXPRESSES its WILLINGNESS to ensure the consolidation, the growth and the strengthening of ACP/EEC co-operation on a basis of equality and sovereignty of all States, interdependence of their economies, equitable and mutual benefits and non-interference in the internal affairs of the countries concerned;

  1. ENDORSES FULLY the relevant observations contained in the ACP Memorandum on the implementation of the ACP/EEC Lome II Convention that the shortcomings of Lome II Convention be remedied, through re- negotiation, in the light of the experience gained during its implementation;

  1. URGES the ACP and EEC Member States to spare no effort so that the results of the negotiations for a Successor Arrangement to Lome II Convention be taken as a model of international co-operation;

  1. REQUESTS the ACP African Group to take into account and be guided by the relevant resolutions and decisions adopted by the supreme organs of the OAU at all stages of the negotiations;

  2. REQUESTS the OAU Secretary-General in collaboration with the Executive Secretary of ECA to continue giving positive assistance needed by the African Group in the ACP and to report the progress of the negotiations to appropriate OAU political organs.

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