Resolution on Namibia

CM/Res.1055 (XLIV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting at its Forty- fourth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 21 to 26 July 1986;

Having thoroughly discussed the Report of the Co-ordinating Committee for the Liberation of Africa and having taking into consideration the information provided by the South West Africa People’s Organization (SWAPO),

Deeply concerned at the fact that 20 years have lapsed since the United Nations terminated racist South Africa’s mandate over Namibia and assumed direct responsibility for the Territory,

Reiterating its resolutions, decisions and recommendations concerning Namibia’s independence and concrete support to the liberation struggle being waged by SWAPO, mainly the Arusha Plan of Action on Namibia of 1980 and the Accra Programme of Action on Namibia of 1985,

Reaffirming the inalienable right of Namibian people to self-determination and independence, in accordance with the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples contained in General Assembly resolution 1514(XV) of 14 December 1960,

Reaffirming its recognition of SWAPO as the sole and authentic representative of the Namibian people and commending its efforts at further strengthening unity in the struggle of all the patriotic forces in Namibia,


* Reservation by Cote d’Ivoire

Reaffirming its support of the resolutions of the United Nations, particularly General Assembly resolutions 2145 (XXI) of October 27, 1966 and 2248 (S-V) of 19

May 1967 and Security Council resolutions 385 (1976) of 30 January 1976 and 435

(1978) of 29 September 1978, as well as the relevant resolutions of the Non-aligned Movement, and the decisions and recommendations of the Frontline States,

Deeply deploring the continued illegal and brutal occupation of Namibia by the Pretoria racist regime in utter defiance of the resolutions and decisions of the Organization of African Unity, the United Nations and the Non-aligned Movement and other international fora,

Seriously indignant at the continued use of Namibian territory as a spring-board for military attacks, occupation and aggression against the Frontline and other States in the region, and in particular against the People’s Republic of Angola,

Further deeply disturbed at the insistence by the U.S. Administration and Pretoria’s racist regime, on linking the independence of Namibia with the withdrawal of Cuban internationalist forces from the People’s Republic of Angola and by racist South Africa’s ploy to declare unilateral independence in Namibia,

Welcoming the successful convening of the Second Brussels International Conference on Namibia, Brussels, 5 - 7 May 1986, the World Conference on Sanctions against Racist South Africa, Paris 16 - 20 June 1986, and the International Conference for the Immediate Independence of Namibia, Vienna, 7 - 1 July 1986, each reflecting the intensification of the diplomatic and political support for the struggle for freedom and independence waged by the people of Namibia, under the leadership of SWAPO:

  1. REAFFIRMS the inalienable right of the people of Namibia to self-

determination and national independence in a United Namibia, including Walvis Bay and the Penguin and other offshore islands, as well as the legitimacy of their struggle by all means at their disposal, including armed struggle, against the illegal occupation of their territory by racist South Africa;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the South African regime for its continued illegal occupation of Namibia in defiance of the resolutions of the OAU, the

Movement of Non-aligned Countries and the United Nations relating to Namibia;

  1. REAFFIRMS that the United Nations Plan of Namibia’s independence contained in Security Council resolutions 385 (1976) and 435 (1978) remains the only accepted basis for a peaceful settlement of the Namibian question, and reiterates its call for its immediate and unconditional implementation;

  1. UNEQUIVOCALLY CONDEMNS AND REJECTS the infamous policy of the United States and South Africa to link Namibia’s independence with the withdrawal of Cuban internationalist forces from Angola, and EXPRESSES its support for Security Council resolution 539 (1983) by which the Council declared that the independence of Namibia cannot be held hostage to the resolution of issues that are alien to resolution 435;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS South Africa for its installation of a so-called interim Administration in Namibia on 17 June 1985 and recalls with satisfaction the universal and categorical rejection by the international community, including in particular the United Nations Security Council, which by its resolution 566 (1985) of 19 June 1985, declared South Africa’s action to be illegal, and null and void, and stated that no recognition should be accorded either by the United Nations or any Member State to it or any representative or organ established in pursuance thereof;

  1. REAFFIRMS that the natural resources of Namibia are the inviolable heritage of its people, and reiterates its grave concern at the rapid depletion of those resources as a result of plunder by South Africa and other foreign economic interests, in contravention of the relevant resolutions of the United Nations and Decree No.1 for the Protection of the Natural Resources of Namibia, and DENOUNCES the activities of foreign economic and other interests as one of the major obstacles to the independence of Namibia;

  1. CONDEMNS UNRESERVEDLY Racist South Africa’s massive militarization and use of Namibia as a launching pad for aggression against

the economic and political destabilization of the Frontline States, particularly the People’s Republic of Angola, and REITTERATES its appreciation for the sacrifices of the Frontline States for Namibia’s independence in the face of continued State terrorism by the racist regime of South Africa;

  1. CALLS UPON the Security Council of the United Nations to impose comprehensive and mandatory sanctions, under Chapter VII of the United Nations Charter against South Africa in order to force the racist regime to relinguish its illegal occupation over Namibia;

  1. STRONGLY CONDEMNS the repeated use of veto by the United States and the United Kingdom in the Security Council against the imposition of comprehensive and mandatory sanctions against the South Africa and urges those governments to bring their policies regarding Namibia in line with the demand of the international community for the immediate and unconditional independence of Namibia;

  1. EXPRESSES its appreciation to the Secretary-General of the United Nations for his personal commitment to the Namibian cause and for his efforts aimed at the implementation of resolutions and decisions of the United Nations on the question of Namibia, particularly resolution 435(1978), and also EXPRESSES to him his support and confidence and urges him to continue his efforts;

  1. EXPRESSES its support for the efforts of the United Nations Council for Namibia in fulfilment of the Mandate entrusted to it by General Assembly resolution 2248(S-V) of 19 May 1967, and welcomes and endorses the call made by the Council for Namibia by the Assembly in its resolution 40/97 A of 13 December 1985, to proceed to establish its administration in Namibia during 1986;

  1. REITERATES its call upon all Government to render sustained and increased moral and political support, as well as financial military and other forms of material assistance to SWAPO, in its legitimate struggle for the

liberation of Namibia, and further calls upon the specialized agencies and other institutions of the United Nations system to provide, within their spheres of competence, assistance on a priority basis to the people of Namibia, through SWAPO, their sole and authentic representative;

  1. SALUTES AND ENCOURAGES SWAPO, particularly the combatants of the People’s Liberation Army of Namibia (PLAN) for the victories they have scored, and declares its support for SWAPO’s call to the Namibian people to make 1986 the Year of General Mobilization and Decisive Action for Final Victory;

  1. EXPRESSES its profound indignation at Pretoria’s escalating militarization of Namibia and repression against the people of the Territory as well as the news blackout imposed by the racist regime in Namibia; against this background, it calls upon the international community, particularly the news media, to intensity the dissemination of information on Namibia in order to combat the propaganda and disinformation campaign of the racist regime concerning the situation in and relating to Namibia;

  1. FURTHER REQUESTS OAU Member States to implement, at the earliest possible convenience, the Arusha Plan of Action on Namibia of 1980 and the Accra Programme of Action on Namibia of 1985, in particular, by generously contributing to the Solidarity Fund for Namibia so as to enhance SWAPO’s capability to further intensify the armed liberation struggle;

  1. WARMLY WELCOMES the decision of the United Nations General Assembly to meet in a Special Session on the question of Namibia, from 17 - 19 September 1986, as a reaffirmation of the responsibility and commitment of the international community to expedite Namibia’s independence, on the basis of Security Council resolution 435 (1978) and urges all the member States of the OAU to participate in the debate at ministerial level, in order to underscore the high priority which Africa attaches to the early independence of Namibia.

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