Resolution on Peace for Children Reducing the Effects of Armed Conflicts on Children and Women in Africa

CM/Res.1292 (LII)



The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fifty- second Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 3 to 8 July 1990,

Recognizing the continuing efforts of OAU Member States to eliminate armed conflicts,

Noting with concern that as a result of these continuing conflicts, African children and women continue to suffer and die in disturbingly large numbers from causes directly or indirectly related to such conflicts,

Considering the effects of the widespread externally-supported destabilization of countries continued practices of forced removal of peoples, and the consequences of apartheid and Bantustan policies for child survival, health and well-being within the region,

Concerned about the use of children for military purposes wherever this may occur,

Aware of the fact that children and women make up more that 80% of the victims of these armed conflicts throughout the African continent,

Reaffirming the moral and legal obligations of African governments to put an end to the current suffering and deaths among children and women due to armed conflicts affecting their respective countries,

Reiterating the determination of African governments to take effective and timely steps, to protect the lives and promote the physical and psychological rehabilitation of children and other vulnerable groups affected by such conflict:

  1. CONDEMNS the destabilization acts of the countries of the Southern region, the inhuman practices exercised on peoples as well as the consequences of the apartheid and Bantustan policies for the survival, protection and well-being of children in the region;

  1. DENOUNCES the use of children for military purposes, wherever such practices occur;

  1. INVITES every State to provide children and vulnerable groups, living on a territory, with all other possible and timely protection and assistance in conflict areas;

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  1. CALLS UPON all parties involved in conflicts in Africa to negotiate and secure Areas and Corridors of peace wherever, and as long as necessary, to allow unhindered access of relief and rehabilitation workers to civilian populations affected by conflicts, in particular children and women, and to neutrally effect the provision of relief and humanitarian supplies and services needed to protect life, alleviate sufferings and promote rehabilitation;

  1. REQUESTS the international community to prevail upon the Government of South Africa to put an end to all support extended from its territory to forces destabilizing other countries in the region, and stop forthwith the forcible removal of populations and destruction of dwellings within its borders, in order to reduce the sufferings and homelessness of children and women;

  1. CALLS UPON the OAU Secretary-General to:

    1. Monitor progress in alleviating the sufferings of children and women through initiatives in favor of Areas and Corridors of peace and other related measures;

    1. Seek to mobilize support for child victims of conflict from African and the international community;

    1. Promote and undertake effective and timely measures to assist such children; and

    1. Report on progress in these domains to the 1991 Summit.

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