Resolution on OAU Calendar of Meetings During the Financial year 1992/1993

CM/Res.1366 (LV)


The Council of Ministers of the Organization of African Unity, meeting in its Fifty -fifth Ordinary Session in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 24 to 28 February 1992,

Recalling Resolution AHG/Res.195 (XXVI) establishing the OAU Committee on Conferences and the mandate given to the Committee, including determining the organization of all OAU meetings,

Having considered the Report of the Second Meeting of the OAU Committee on Conferences held in Addis Ababa, from 8 to 11 October 1991, on the Management of OAU Conferences during the 1992/1993 Financial Year, Document CM/1690 (LV),

Having examined the recommendations contained in the Report of the Committee on Conferences including the OAU Calendar of Meetings for the Year 1992/1993,

Aware of the difficult economic and financial situation in all Member States and of the need to make an effective use of the OAU limited resources,

Considering the necessity to ensure the rationalization of the use of the resources of the Organization:

  1. ADOPTS the report of the Second Session of the Committee on Conferences contained in Document CM/1690 (LV);

  1. ENDORSES the OAU Calendar of Meetings for the Financial Year 1992/1993 as recommended by the Committee on Conferences;

  1. APPROVES all recommendations of the Committee on Conferences relating to the Organization of OAU Ministerial Meetings as contained in Document CM/1690 (LV);

  1. AUTHORIZES the Secretary-General to implement the recommendations of the Committee on Conferences relating to the organizations of OAU meetings during the Financial Year 1992/1993 as contained in Document CM/1690 Annex 1;

  1. REQUESTS the Committee on Conferences to pursue the fulfillment of its mandate as set out in Resolution AHG/Res.195 (XXVI).

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