Recommendations on peace and security in Africa

African Union

Recommendations on peace and security in Africa

  • Published on 31 December 2004
  • Commenced
  • [This is the version of this document from 31 December 2004.]
  • [The publication date of this work could not be ascertained. We used the date 31 December 2004 because the work was published during the course of the year 2004.]
The Pan-African Parliament;(a)RECALLING the presentation on Peace and Security to the Committee of the Whole House by the Deputy Chairperson of the AU Commission, H.E. Mr. Patrick Mazimhaka and the general debate on 23 September 2004;(b)EXPRESSING concern for the continued conflicts in Africa, particularly with regards to the devastating effects on human security, and the unequal negative effects of conflict on the poor, families, women and children;(c)ACKNOWLEDGING the interventions of the AU in seeking peaceful resolutions to the conflicts and the successes in this regard;(d)HIGHLIGHTING the inextricable linkages between peace, stability and security in Africa and the socio-economic development of Africa as elucidated in the NEPAD and the Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan of the AU;(e)CONGRATULATING the AU on the establishment of the Peace and Security Council;(f)NOTING the important role of the Panel of the Wise as an independent, objective advisory body to the Peace and Security Council;
1.That the President of the Pan-African Parliament be a member of the Panel of the Wise;
2.That the AU intensifies its efforts in bringing about peaceful resolutions to the conflicts in Africa including the urgent finalization of the establishment of the African Standby Force;
3.That the reports of the Peace and Security Council on conflict resolution efforts of the AU be tabled in the Pan-African Parliament for consideration, observations and recommendations.
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