Recommendations on the budget for the Pan-African Parliament

African Union

Recommendations on the budget for the Pan-African Parliament

  • Published on 31 December 2004
  • Commenced
  • [This is the version of this document from 31 December 2004.]
  • [The publication date of this work could not be ascertained. We used the date 31 December 2004 because the work was published during the course of the year 2004.]
The Pan-African Parliament;(a)RECALLING the debate on the report of the Ad hoc Committee on the Budget of the Pan-African Parliament on 29 September 2004;(b)EXPRESSING CONCERN that the recommendations of the Permanent Representatives’ Committee on the Budget of the Pan-African Parliament for 2004 were not in conformity with the real needs of the Pan-African Parliament;(c)FURTHER CONCERNED at the negative impact of the shortage of funding on the activities of the Pan-African Parliament, in particular and the AU in general;(d)NOTING the decision of the Assembly (Assembly/AU/Dec.39(III) Rev.1) and the Executive Council ((EX.CL/Dec.98 (V)) that Member States should bear the expenses for the participation of members of the Pan-African Parliament at the statutory meetings of the Pan-African Parliament and its Committees during the first five years, that Members of the Bureau shall not reside at the headquarters during the first five years and that the duration of sessions of the Pan-African Parliament should be reviewed downwards;(e)FURTHER NOTING the authorization given by the Executive Council to the Permanent Representatives’ Committee to consider and approve the Budget of the Pan-African Parliament for the period July to December 2004;(f)HIGHLIGHTING that the process for the authorization of the budget of the Pan-African Parliament renders the Pan-African Parliament subordinate to the Permanent Representatives’ Committee;(g)RECOGNIZING the limited resources available to the African Union.
1.That consideration be given to reviewing the decision of the Assembly (Assembly/AU/Dec.39 (III) Rev.1) in light of the negative effects on the progress of the Pan-African Parliament and thereby on the facilitation of the achievement of the Vision, Mission and Strategic Plan of the African Union;
2.That the budget of the Pan-African Parliament, once debated and agreed upon by the House, be presented directly to the Executive Council and the Assembly for approval with the budget of the Union;
3.That the Pan-African Parliament participates actively in the budgetary process as required by Article 11(2) of the Protocol and that appropriate mechanisms should be devised to enable this to be done and be aligned with the process entrusted to the Commission to prepare the budget of the Union (Article 15 to the Constitutive Act of the Union) and therefore the AU to give an indication of the resources availed to the PAP before the process of budgeting begins;
4.That the AU Commission considers exploring alternative sources of funding for the activities of the AU such as special levies in areas of trade, industry, travel and mining, and the establishment of a Pan-African Parliament Trust Fund.
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