Resolution on Meetings of the Working Group on Communications

ACHPR/Res.295 (EXT.OS/XVII) 2015: Resolution on Meetings of the Working Group on Communications


The African Commission on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the Commission), meeting at its 17th Extraordinary Session held in Banjul, The Gambia, from 19 to 28 February 2015;

Recalling its mandate to promote and protect human and peoples’ rights under the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights (the African Charter);


Considering Rule 23 (1) of the Commission’s Rules of Procedure which provides that the Commission may create subsidiary mechanisms such as special rapporteurs, committees and working groups;


Considering Rules 26 and 27 of the Rules of Procedure which provide that the Commission shall hold Ordinary and Extraordinary Sessions;


Recalling its Resolution ACHPR/Res.194 (L) 11 on the establishment of the Working Group on Communications and the appointment of its members;


Recalling Resolution ACHPR/Res.212 (EXT.OS/XI) 2012 on the mandate of the Commission’s Working Group on Communications;


Recalling Resolution ACHPR/Res.225 (LII) 2012 on the renewal of the mandate and modification of the composition of the Working Group on Communications;


Considering the technical nature of the work of the Working Group on Communications;


Considering the need to create favourable conditions for members of the Commission to properly implement their protection mandate;


  1. Decides that the meetings of the Working Group on Communications shall be considered as extraordinary sessions;

  2. Grants Commissioners participating in sessions of the Working Group on Communications the same entitlements as those given during ordinary and extraordinary sessions;

  3. Tasks the Secretariat with ensuring the implementation of this Resolution and to report to the Commission.


Done in Banjul, The Gambia on 28 February 2015


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