Decision on the Conference on Security, Stability, Development Cooperation and (CSSDCA)


The Assembly:

1. WELCOMES the efforts deployed by the Secretary General in the implementation of the Solemn Declaration on the Conference on Security, Stability, Development and Cooperation (CSSDCA) adopted by the Assembly of Heads of State and Government in Lome, Togo, in July 2000;

2. APPROVES the Memorandum of Understanding on Security, Stability, Development, Cooperation as elaborated by the Experts’ meetings, enriched by the OAU-Civil Society Conference and recommended by the Council of Ministers;

3. REQUESTS the Member States to take steps required for the implementation of the Memorandum of Understanding and to keep the Secretariat informed of the progress made in this direction in order to facilitate the monitoring and evaluation process of the CSSDCA, including through review conferences and meetings, as provided for in the CSSDCA Solemn Declaration adopted in Lome, Togo, in July 2000;

4. WELCOMES the convening of the second OAU-Civil Society Conference on Developing Partnership between the OAU and African Civil Society Organizations, held in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, from 11-15 June 2002 and TAKES NOTE of the recommendations of the Conference, in particular, those relating to the African Union and the CSSDCA Process;

5. COMMENDS Nigeria and South Africa for their generous contribution of five hundred thousand dollars (US$500,000) each for the operationalization of the CSSDCA and CALLS upon OAU Member States, the United Nations and all OAU Partners to provide financial support for the CSSDCA Process;

6. REAFFIRMS the centrality of the CSSDCA Process as a policy development forum, a framework for the advancement of common values, and as a monitoring and evaluation mechanism for the African Union;

7. REQUESTS the Secretary-General to pursue efforts aimed at strengthening the CSSDCA Unit to enable it to carry out its functions effectively and to take the necessary steps to ensure the follow-up of these recommendations.

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