Decision on the Situation in Kenya Following the Presidential Election of 27 December 2007


The Assembly:

  1. EXPRESSES ITS DEEP CONCERN at the prevailing situation and its humanitarian consequences, as well as at its implications for peace and stability in Kenya and the region as a whole;

  2. STRONGLY DEPLORES the loss of lives and CONDEMNS the gross violations of human rights that occurred in the past weeks;

  3. STRESSES the need for all those involved in these violations to be held accountable and, to this end, CALLS for an in-depth investigation with a view to identifying those responsible and bringing them to justice;

  4. CALLS on all the parties to exercise restraint, refrain from acts of violence, as well as prevail on their supporters to put an immediate end to the violence;

  5. STRONGLY URGES the parties to commit themselves to a peaceful solution to the current crisis through dialogue and in conformity with the rule of law;

  6. WELCOMES the visit undertaken by the former Chairman of the African Union, President John Kufuor, to Nairobi, from 8 to 10 January 2008, as well as the efforts deployed by President Yoweri Museveni, in his capacity as the Chairperson of the East African Community (EAC), and by other leaders of the region;

  7. STRESSES the need for the parties to extend full cooperation to the mediation efforts undertaken by the group of eminent African elders led by Mr. Kofi Annan, former Secretary-General of the United Nations, and comprising Mr. Benjamin Mkapa and Mrs. Graca Machel, established as a follow-up to the visit of the former Chairperson of the AU. The Assembly WELCOMES the agreement on the ending of violence and the pursuit of dialogue, reached by the parties on 1st February 2008, and URGES them to build on this encouraging development to find a lasting solution to the current crisis. The Assembly COMMENDS Mr. Kofi Annan and the members of his team for the results achieved so far and ENCOURGAGES them to pursue their efforts;

  8. STRESSES the need to initiate a collective reflection on the challenges linked to the tension and disputes that often characterize electoral processes in Africa, including the strengthening of the African capacity at national, regional and continental levels to observe and monitor elections.

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